OpenShot / openshot-qt

OpenShot Video Editor is an award-winning free and open-source video editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows, and is dedicated to delivering high quality video editing and animation solutions to the world.
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Custom title template crashes OpenShot when creating a Title #3940

Closed CipherSanctum closed 3 years ago

CipherSanctum commented 3 years ago


Background, and steps to repeat

Using Windows 10.

Originally, I was using OpenShot 2.4.x, and when adding an svg file that was made with Affinity Designer to .openshot_qt/title/, I would get an error that said *.svg is not a valid Image file. Anything made in InkScape would load, but wasn't editable.

Must be a bug?? So I upgraded to 2.5.1, the latest version, and add my svg to the proper folder again. But now it crashes when I click the Title button at the top left to make a title.

If my custom SVG is not in the .openshot_qt/title/ folder, it loads all the default titles fine.

Log file

         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             Mon Dec 28 18:36:44 2020
         app:INFO               Starting new session
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             OpenShot (version 2.5.1)
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO openshot-qt version: 2.5.1
         app:INFO libopenshot version: 0.2.5
         app:INFO platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041
         app:INFO processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
         app:INFO machine: AMD64
         app:INFO python version: 3.7.4
         app:INFO qt5 version: 5.12.4
         app:INFO pyqt5 version: 5.12.3
    language:INFO Qt Detected Languages: ['en-US']
    language:INFO LANG Environment Variable:
    language:INFO LOCALE Environment Variable:
    language:INFO OpenShot Preference Language: Default
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
         app:INFO Setting font to C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\images\fonts\Ubuntu-R.ttf
logger_libopenshot:INFO Connecting to libopenshot with debug port: 5556
         app:INFO Setting custom dark theme
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for MainWindow
files_listview:INFO currentChanged
files_listview:INFO updateSelection
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
     version:INFO Found current version: {"openshot_version": "2.5.1"}
effects_model:INFO updating effects model.
 main_window:INFO foundCurrentVersion: Found the latest version: 2.5.1
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
 main_window:INFO InitCacheSettings
 main_window:INFO cache-mode: CacheMemory
 main_window:INFO cache-limit-mb: 250
 main_window:INFO Creating CacheMemory object with 262144000 byte limit
preview_thread:INFO QThread Start Method Invoked
preview_thread:INFO initPlayer
 main_window:INFO Clear all thumbnails: C:\Users\abcdefgh\.openshot_qt\thumbnail
 main_window:INFO Clear all animations: C:\Users\abcdefgh\.openshot_qt\blender
 main_window:INFO Clear all titles: C:\Users\abcdefgh\.openshot_qt\title
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
         app:INFO Process command-line arguments: ['C:\\Program Files\\OpenShot Video Editor\\openshot-qt.exe']
 main_window:INFO recover_backup
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
video_widget:INFO Load: Set video widget display aspect ratio to: 1.7777777910232544
video_widget:INFO Set video widget pixel aspect ratio to: 1.0
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
preview_thread:INFO onModeChanged
properties_model:INFO Update item:
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
    timeline:INFO Adjusting max size of preview image: PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(672, 378)
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
timeline_webview:INFO Qt Found!
timeline_webview:INFO $scope.Qt = true;
timeline_webview:INFO SetThumbAddress:
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
timeline_webview:INFO SortItems
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for Dialog
titles_model:INFO updating title model.
 main_window:INFO title editor add cancelled
 main_window:INFO ---------------- Shutting down -----------------
preview_thread:INFO exiting thread
   thumbnail:INFO Shutting down thumbnail server: ('', 62097)
  exceptions:ERROR Unhandled Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\windows\views\", line 2929, in render_cache_json
    cache_object = get_app().window.timeline_sync.timeline.GetCache()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetCache'
preview_thread:INFO onModeChanged
         app:INFO             OpenShot's session ended
         app:INFO             Mon Dec 28 18:37:02 2020
         app:INFO ================================================
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             Mon Dec 28 18:37:16 2020
         app:INFO               Starting new session
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             OpenShot (version 2.5.1)
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO openshot-qt version: 2.5.1
         app:INFO libopenshot version: 0.2.5
         app:INFO platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041
         app:INFO processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
         app:INFO machine: AMD64
         app:INFO python version: 3.7.4
         app:INFO qt5 version: 5.12.4
         app:INFO pyqt5 version: 5.12.3
    language:INFO Qt Detected Languages: ['en-US']
    language:INFO LANG Environment Variable:
    language:INFO LOCALE Environment Variable:
    language:INFO OpenShot Preference Language: Default
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
         app:INFO Setting font to C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\images\fonts\Ubuntu-R.ttf
         app:INFO Setting custom dark theme
logger_libopenshot:INFO Connecting to libopenshot with debug port: 5556
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for MainWindow
files_listview:INFO currentChanged
files_listview:INFO updateSelection
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
     version:INFO Found current version: {"openshot_version": "2.5.1"}
effects_model:INFO updating effects model.
 main_window:INFO foundCurrentVersion: Found the latest version: 2.5.1
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
 main_window:INFO InitCacheSettings
 main_window:INFO cache-mode: CacheMemory
 main_window:INFO cache-limit-mb: 250
 main_window:INFO Creating CacheMemory object with 262144000 byte limit
preview_thread:INFO QThread Start Method Invoked
preview_thread:INFO initPlayer
 main_window:INFO Clear all thumbnails: C:\Users\abcdefgh\.openshot_qt\thumbnail
 main_window:INFO Clear all animations: C:\Users\abcdefgh\.openshot_qt\blender
 main_window:INFO Clear all titles: C:\Users\abcdefgh\.openshot_qt\title
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
         app:INFO Process command-line arguments: ['C:\\Program Files\\OpenShot Video Editor\\openshot-qt.exe']
 main_window:INFO recover_backup
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
video_widget:INFO Load: Set video widget display aspect ratio to: 1.7777777910232544
video_widget:INFO Set video widget pixel aspect ratio to: 1.0
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
preview_thread:INFO onModeChanged
properties_model:INFO Update item:
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
    timeline:INFO Adjusting max size of preview image: PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(672, 378)
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
timeline_webview:INFO Qt Found!
timeline_webview:INFO $scope.Qt = true;
timeline_webview:INFO SetThumbAddress:
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
timeline_webview:INFO SortItems
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for Dialog
titles_model:INFO updating title model.
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             Mon Dec 28 18:37:40 2020
         app:INFO               Starting new session
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             OpenShot (version 2.5.1)
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO openshot-qt version: 2.5.1
         app:INFO libopenshot version: 0.2.5
         app:INFO platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041
         app:INFO processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
         app:INFO machine: AMD64
         app:INFO python version: 3.7.4
         app:INFO qt5 version: 5.12.4
         app:INFO pyqt5 version: 5.12.3
    language:INFO Qt Detected Languages: ['en-US']
    language:INFO LANG Environment Variable:
    language:INFO LOCALE Environment Variable:
    language:INFO OpenShot Preference Language: Default
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
         app:INFO Setting font to C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\images\fonts\Ubuntu-R.ttf
         app:INFO Setting custom dark theme
logger_libopenshot:INFO Connecting to libopenshot with debug port: 5556
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for MainWindow
files_listview:INFO currentChanged
files_listview:INFO updateSelection
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
     version:INFO Found current version: {"openshot_version": "2.5.1"}
effects_model:INFO updating effects model.
 main_window:INFO foundCurrentVersion: Found the latest version: 2.5.1
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
 main_window:INFO InitCacheSettings
 main_window:INFO cache-mode: CacheMemory
 main_window:INFO cache-limit-mb: 250
 main_window:INFO Creating CacheMemory object with 262144000 byte limit
preview_thread:INFO QThread Start Method Invoked
preview_thread:INFO initPlayer
 main_window:ERROR Unhandled crash detected... will attempt to recover backup project: C:\Users\abcdefgh\.openshot_qt\backup.osp
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
         app:INFO Process command-line arguments: ['C:\\Program Files\\OpenShot Video Editor\\openshot-qt.exe']
 main_window:INFO recover_backup
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
video_widget:INFO Load: Set video widget display aspect ratio to: 1.7777777910232544
video_widget:INFO Set video widget pixel aspect ratio to: 1.0
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
preview_thread:INFO onModeChanged
properties_model:INFO Update item:
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
    timeline:INFO Adjusting max size of preview image: PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(672, 378)
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
timeline_webview:INFO Qt Found!
timeline_webview:INFO $scope.Qt = true;
timeline_webview:INFO SetThumbAddress:
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
timeline_webview:INFO SortItems
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for Dialog
titles_model:INFO updating title model.

SVG file I'm testing with

Keep in mind the following was created with Affinity Designer, not InkScape, because the documentation said it would work with any SVG file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
  viewBox="0 0 1920 1080"
  <g id="custom_title_template_test">
    <g transform="matrix(0.863961,0,0,1,-34.2358,166.378)">
      <rect x="39.627" y="749.455" width="781.209" height="164.167" style="fill:url(#_Linear1);"/>
    <g transform="matrix(1.29599,0,0,1.29599,-40.28,-306.008)">
      <text x="43.416px" y="997.916px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:54.456px;">T<tspan x="74.659px 86.757px " y="997.916px 997.916px ">it</tspan>le Box 1</text>
    <g transform="matrix(1.02344,0,0,1.02344,-28.0995,30.6599)">
      <text x="43.416px" y="997.916px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:54.456px;">T<tspan x="74.659px 86.757px " y="997.916px 997.916px ">it</tspan>le Box 2</text>
    <linearGradient id="_Linear1" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="0" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" gradientTransform="matrix(796.305,0,0,796.305,24.5307,831.538)"><stop offset="0" style="stop-color:rgb(1,255,0);stop-opacity:1"/><stop offset="1" style="stop-color:rgb(0,8,255);stop-opacity:1"/></linearGradient>
sc0nway commented 3 years ago

I think that in v2.5.1, the titles need to go into the ~/.openshot_qt/title_templates folder.

I copied and pasted the test SVG file above into a blank text file, then saved it with the name test.svg in my title_templates folder. It appeared as the last title in the Titles window in OpenShot. Clipboard01

CipherSanctum commented 3 years ago

Thanks for replying.

I think that in v2.5.1, the titles need to go into the ~/.openshot_qt/title_templates folder.

I copied and pasted the test SVG file above into a blank text file, then saved it with the name test.svg in my title_templates folder. It appeared as the last title in the Titles window in OpenShot.

That folder didn't exist, only the ...\title\ folder did (maybe they just didn't update the documentation?), so I just made it and tried it. The only difference now is that the window will load all the default titles (my svg still doesn't show up), but as soon as I click any default title, the mouse pointer turns into a loading icon, then it crashes.

Is that folder supposed to be in a different place?? I am using Windows 10, and the only spot I found on my computer for that location is C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\title\ and the new folder I just made ...\title_templates\

Would you like a new log file??

sc0nway commented 3 years ago

Yes, please attach your openshot_qt.log file for us to review.

I may have crossed the versions when I tried your SVG file. I will try a system that's never run the Daily Builds to look at the folder structure and your test file.

CipherSanctum commented 3 years ago

Now when even merely trying to add a title, it crashes. I also just noticed in the ...\title\ folder, a temp.svg file is created automatically when I open OpenShot. This is not my svg file, but just saying because it might help you debug it.

Steps to repeat

  1. Deleted the following files: C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\openshot-qt.log, and C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\title\temp.svg
  2. Open OpenShot
  3. Top left ---> Title ---> Title ---> Window with default titles loads ---> I click any default title and it crashes OpenShot.
  4. The file C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\title\temp.svg is now automatically created, NOT MY SVG FILE.
  5. I add C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\title\TEST.svg, and repeat steps 2-3. It crashes, but no window loads up to even show the default templates.
  6. I create the file and folder for C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\title_templates\TEST.svg, repeat steps 2-3, but it crashes like step 5.


         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             Tue Dec 29 10:10:00 2020            
         app:INFO               Starting new session              
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             OpenShot (version 2.5.1)            
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO openshot-qt version: 2.5.1
         app:INFO libopenshot version: 0.2.5
         app:INFO platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041
         app:INFO processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
         app:INFO machine: AMD64
         app:INFO python version: 3.7.4
         app:INFO qt5 version: 5.12.4
         app:INFO pyqt5 version: 5.12.3
    language:INFO Qt Detected Languages: ['en-US']
    language:INFO LANG Environment Variable: 
    language:INFO LOCALE Environment Variable: 
    language:INFO OpenShot Preference Language: Default
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
         app:INFO Setting font to C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\images\fonts\Ubuntu-R.ttf
logger_libopenshot:INFO Connecting to libopenshot with debug port: 5556
         app:INFO Setting custom dark theme
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for MainWindow
files_listview:INFO currentChanged
files_listview:INFO updateSelection
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
     version:INFO Found current version: {"openshot_version": "2.5.1"}
effects_model:INFO updating effects model.
 main_window:INFO foundCurrentVersion: Found the latest version: 2.5.1
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
 main_window:INFO InitCacheSettings
 main_window:INFO cache-mode: CacheMemory
 main_window:INFO cache-limit-mb: 250
 main_window:INFO Creating CacheMemory object with 262144000 byte limit
preview_thread:INFO QThread Start Method Invoked
preview_thread:INFO initPlayer
 main_window:ERROR Unhandled crash detected... will attempt to recover backup project: C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\backup.osp
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
         app:INFO Process command-line arguments: ['C:\\Program Files\\OpenShot Video Editor\\openshot-qt.exe']
 main_window:INFO recover_backup
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
video_widget:INFO Load: Set video widget display aspect ratio to: 1.7777777910232544
video_widget:INFO Set video widget pixel aspect ratio to: 1.0
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
preview_thread:INFO onModeChanged
properties_model:INFO Update item: 
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
    timeline:INFO Adjusting max size of preview image: PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(672, 378)
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
timeline_webview:INFO Qt Found!
timeline_webview:INFO $scope.Qt = true;
timeline_webview:INFO SetThumbAddress:
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
timeline_webview:INFO SortItems
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for Dialog
titles_model:INFO updating title model.
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             Tue Dec 29 10:13:35 2020            
         app:INFO               Starting new session              
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             OpenShot (version 2.5.1)            
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO openshot-qt version: 2.5.1
         app:INFO libopenshot version: 0.2.5
         app:INFO platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041
         app:INFO processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
         app:INFO machine: AMD64
         app:INFO python version: 3.7.4
         app:INFO qt5 version: 5.12.4
         app:INFO pyqt5 version: 5.12.3
    language:INFO Qt Detected Languages: ['en-US']
    language:INFO LANG Environment Variable: 
    language:INFO LOCALE Environment Variable: 
    language:INFO OpenShot Preference Language: Default
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
         app:INFO Setting font to C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\images\fonts\Ubuntu-R.ttf
logger_libopenshot:INFO Connecting to libopenshot with debug port: 5556
         app:INFO Setting custom dark theme
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for MainWindow
files_listview:INFO currentChanged
files_listview:INFO updateSelection
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
     version:INFO Found current version: {"openshot_version": "2.5.1"}
effects_model:INFO updating effects model.
 main_window:INFO foundCurrentVersion: Found the latest version: 2.5.1
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
 main_window:INFO InitCacheSettings
 main_window:INFO cache-mode: CacheMemory
 main_window:INFO cache-limit-mb: 250
 main_window:INFO Creating CacheMemory object with 262144000 byte limit
preview_thread:INFO QThread Start Method Invoked
preview_thread:INFO initPlayer
 main_window:ERROR Unhandled crash detected... will attempt to recover backup project: C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\backup.osp
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
         app:INFO Process command-line arguments: ['C:\\Program Files\\OpenShot Video Editor\\openshot-qt.exe']
 main_window:INFO recover_backup
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
video_widget:INFO Load: Set video widget display aspect ratio to: 1.7777777910232544
video_widget:INFO Set video widget pixel aspect ratio to: 1.0
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
preview_thread:INFO onModeChanged
properties_model:INFO Update item: 
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
timeline_webview:INFO Qt Found!
timeline_webview:INFO $scope.Qt = true;
timeline_webview:INFO SetThumbAddress:
    timeline:INFO Adjusting max size of preview image: PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(672, 378)
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
timeline_webview:INFO SortItems
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for Dialog
titles_model:INFO updating title model.
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             Tue Dec 29 10:14:59 2020            
         app:INFO               Starting new session              
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO             OpenShot (version 2.5.1)            
         app:INFO ------------------------------------------------
         app:INFO openshot-qt version: 2.5.1
         app:INFO libopenshot version: 0.2.5
         app:INFO platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041
         app:INFO processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
         app:INFO machine: AMD64
         app:INFO python version: 3.7.4
         app:INFO qt5 version: 5.12.4
         app:INFO pyqt5 version: 5.12.3
    language:INFO Qt Detected Languages: ['en-US']
    language:INFO LANG Environment Variable: 
    language:INFO LOCALE Environment Variable: 
    language:INFO OpenShot Preference Language: Default
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
         app:INFO Setting font to C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\images\fonts\Ubuntu-R.ttf
         app:INFO Setting custom dark theme
logger_libopenshot:INFO Connecting to libopenshot with debug port: 5556
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for MainWindow
files_listview:INFO currentChanged
files_listview:INFO updateSelection
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
     version:INFO Found current version: {"openshot_version": "2.5.1"}
effects_model:INFO updating effects model.
 main_window:INFO foundCurrentVersion: Found the latest version: 2.5.1
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
transition_model:INFO updating transitions model.
 files_model:INFO updating files model.
 main_window:INFO InitCacheSettings
 main_window:INFO cache-mode: CacheMemory
 main_window:INFO cache-limit-mb: 250
 main_window:INFO Creating CacheMemory object with 262144000 byte limit
preview_thread:INFO QThread Start Method Invoked
preview_thread:INFO initPlayer
 main_window:ERROR Unhandled crash detected... will attempt to recover backup project: C:\Users\me\.openshot_qt\backup.osp
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
         app:INFO Process command-line arguments: ['C:\\Program Files\\OpenShot Video Editor\\openshot-qt.exe']
 main_window:INFO recover_backup
project_data:INFO Setting default profile to HD 720p 30 fps
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
video_widget:INFO Load: Set video widget display aspect ratio to: 1.7777777910232544
video_widget:INFO Set video widget pixel aspect ratio to: 1.0
 main_window:INFO updateStatusChanged
preview_thread:INFO onModeChanged
properties_model:INFO Update item: 
properties_model:INFO updating clip properties model.
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
    timeline:INFO Adjusting max size of preview image: PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(672, 378)
preview_thread:INFO refreshFrame
preview_thread:INFO self.player.Position(): 1
timeline_webview:INFO Qt Found!
timeline_webview:INFO $scope.Qt = true;
timeline_webview:INFO SetThumbAddress:
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
timeline_webview:INFO SortItems
timeline_webview:INFO UpdateLayerIndex
     ui_util:INFO Initializing UI for Dialog
titles_model:INFO updating title model.
sc0nway commented 3 years ago

I also just noticed in the ...\title\ folder, a temp.svg file is created automatically when I open OpenShot. This is not my svg file, but just saying because it might help you debug it.

The same thing happens on my system. The temp.svg file is created by OpenShot, and it should automatically delete when you close the program.

I tested the SVG file that you pasted into this issue on a Windows 10 system with only OpenShot v2.5.1 stable version installed. I found that there is no title_templates folder under the stable version. I'm sorry about the confusion.

I copied and pasted the SVG file into a new text file then saved it with the name of Test_Template.svg in my C:\Users\(USERNAME)\.openshot_qt\titles folder. I launched OpenShot then opened the Titles window. I could not find the test file that I created in the list of available title templates. I closed OpenShot, then moved the Test_Template.svg file to my C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\titles folder. I launched OpenShot then opened the Titles window. The test file that I created was listed last in the list of templates. I was able to partially edit the template and save it to my Project Files list.

I had to modify your SVG to make it work properly with the title editors. I could not change the lines of text until I made the changes. I used Inkscape to open your source code then save the file with the corrections needed. To test, I changed the text, the font, the font size, and the text color. Here is the file that I used.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   viewBox="0 0 1920 1080"
   inkscape:version="1.0.1 (3bc2e813f5, 2020-09-07)"><metadata
         rdf:resource="" /><dc:title></dc:title></cc:Work></rdf:RDF></metadata><sodipodi:namedview
   inkscape:current-layer="svg26" />
   id="rect2" />
   style="font-size:54.456px;font-family:ArialMT, Arial, sans-serif;"
     style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:55.556px;font-family:ArialMT, Arial, sans-serif;-inkscape-font-specification:'ArialMT, Arial, sans-serif, Normal';font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-variant-numeric:normal;font-variant-east-asian:normal"
     y="997.91602">Title Box 1</tspan></text>
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