OpenShot / openshot-qt

OpenShot Video Editor is an award-winning free and open-source video editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows, and is dedicated to delivering high quality video editing and animation solutions to the world.
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OpenShot doesn't play preview sound nor exports sound for .3GP / .3GPP format #5371

Open stonefrango opened 11 months ago

stonefrango commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug: OpenShot does not play preview audio for .3GP video files nor exports audio for .3GP video files. The format IS a supported by FFmpeg.

I have tested to ensure it was not my audio output and was able to import a .MOV file and preview audio without issue.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Import a .3GP file using any various method (click and drag, File --> Import Files..., etc.)
  2. Click and drag the video to a Track, or right-click the file in the Project Files area and click "Preview File"
  3. Press the "Play" button. Video plays, audio does not.

Expected behavior: As .3GP is supported through FFmpeg, the audio should have no issue being played/exported in OpenShot.

System Details:

Colorjet3 commented 11 months ago

Hello @stonefrango. I am running Windows 11 Pro with the latest updates and OpenShot version 3.1.1 build #11627.

I just downloaded 3 different .3gp files (2 video only and 1 video/audio) and imported them into OpenShot. All 3 play/preview with any issues.

Please give this a try:

  1. Close OpenShot, if running.
  2. Make a backup of c:\users\username.openshot_qt folder. Keep this folder for a while.
  3. Delete c:\users\username.openshot_qt folder.
  4. Start OpenShot and import your .3gp and/or .3gpp file(s).
  5. Do they preview ok?

If you are still having issues run your file(s) through a converter like VLC, HandBrake, or ShutterEncoder and convert them to .mp4 format. Import those in and see if that resolves your issue. If it does, then there is something about the profile of these files that OpenShot doesn't know how to handle.

Some video editors convert on the fly as you import to fix some things they don't like and OpenShot doesn't have that feature. This happens with other file types as well and running through a converter solves the issue.

stonefrango commented 10 months ago

@Colorjet3 Thank you! I did still have issues after those steps unfortunately, but I had already tried that from something else I found online. My next hunch actually was to convert them to .mp4, which did fix the issue!

VLC had issues with converting it as well, so I ended up just using an online converter. Handbrake probably would have worked fine. I appreciate the assistance.