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Allow user to add recent files #5469

Open raindropsfromsky opened 9 months ago

raindropsfromsky commented 9 months ago

It is useful to have a list of recent files, so that can be loaded quickly. This can be provided in two forms:

Colorjet3 commented 9 months ago

How many recently files should the list maintain? May be default to 10 just like the recent project files list is? Another option might be to make these configurable in Edit | Preferences (maybe max it at 15?).

Also this sounds like a simple thing to implement but consideration needs to be given to:

  1. Keyboard shortcut.
  2. Add a "Recent Files" under the File menu right below the "Recent Projects". Consistency.
  3. Leave the green "+" icons (Import Files) functionality alone. This ties in with the Edit | Preferences | Location tab settings.

These sound minor changes but have will have a big impact on the community of users who have been used to the current interface.

I am not against change but it needs to be well managed. May be this becomes part the UI redesign phased.


raindropsfromsky commented 9 months ago

IMHO, the actual number is user-specific. Personally, I have needed 3! 😄 But 10 should be good for most users (we can ignore the outliers).

  1. IMHO a separate hotkey for importing recents is not needed at all, because this is not such a frequent operation. Instead, the main command "Import files" should have a shortcut (say CTRL+SHFT+O, because it is related to "open project")

    In fact, I'd prefer to assign CTRL+O to import files, and CTRL+SHFT+O to "open project", which is used only once. That way, the easier hotkey CTRL+O gets used time and again.

  2. Agree.

  3. The Green + icon is for the main command "Import file". The "import recents" is a sub-option inside that dialog. So, the main command indeed remains untouched!

I agree that the loyal users would have got used to certain way of working, and any change may break their productivity. But then Openshot is mouse-oriented (in contrast with Blender, which uses both mouse and keyboard heavily).

Besides, new features would have to be assigned some mouse and keyboard actions. So change is inevitable! 😄