As discussed this repo should contain a writer/reader etc. for trace files (including .mcap). Here are some loose requirements I put together based and previous discussions. Please feel free to challenge something or request to add your requirements.
Requirements (WIP)
File Format Support:
Should support .osi, .txth, and the upcoming .mcap, aiming for transparent integration for the user—if feasible.
Note that only .mcap allows index-based operations, multiple top-level messages, etc., so careful consideration is needed for handling these differences.
Future Python Compatibility:
Design the interface with the possibility of supporting a Python version in the future.
Basic CI/Test Setup:
Implement a minimal Continuous Integration and test setup for the repository.
Basic Documentation/Guide:
Create an initial tutorial or usage guide. This should cover basic usage and setup.
More comprehensive documentation should be addressed in a separate issue to avoid overloading the PR and discussions.
Library and Examples:
Provide the functionality as a library along with a few practical examples.
OSI Integration:
If time permits, explore a user-friendly way to integrate the OSI (main repository) both statically and dynamically, considering time constraints for the initial setup. For a PoC/WiP it might be enough to link statically
As discussed this repo should contain a writer/reader etc. for trace files (including .mcap). Here are some loose requirements I put together based and previous discussions. Please feel free to challenge something or request to add your requirements.
Requirements (WIP)
File Format Support:
Future Python Compatibility:
Basic CI/Test Setup:
Basic Documentation/Guide:
Library and Examples:
OSI Integration: