OpenSmallworld / nv-tilecacher

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Javascript heap out of memory Issue #5

Open Upender-sys opened 3 years ago

Upender-sys commented 3 years ago


Upender-sys commented 3 years ago

Able to create Map Tiles for EO-WEB in Development Environment if the map tiles count is less than 10 Million. But if the tile count is above that count then getting above issue. Let me know for more information.

Please provide the solution ASAP. Thanks in Advance.

juanmpd commented 5 months ago

Just for future reference. I run into this same issue. Running with --countonly told me that it would create 100K tiles. I changed the conf file so that the number of expected tiles decreased down to 16K. After trying again, the issue dissapeared. So I suspect the script is intended to keep in memory some information about all the tiles being processed, which is what causes 'heap out of memory' if the number is too big. So I suppose the workaround is to split the tiles to be generated into several config files, and use the option '--configdir' instead of '--configfile' to deal with them.