OpenSocial / spec

OpenSocial Specification #social
Apache License 2.0
106 stars 11 forks source link

Implement opensocial.requestSendMessage on orkut #2

Closed mmarum-sugarcrm closed 11 years ago

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

Original author: (February 15, 2008 19:13:08)

Description of the bug/feature ================================== Currently the Orkut container does not implement opensocial.requestSendMessage().

Original issue:

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From Markitecht on February 18, 2008 17:13:50 This is a very important feature request. Communicating through 'Scraps' is the heart of social communication by Orkut users.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on February 21, 2008 06:23:16 This is a very important feature that needs to be on for Apps to comminicate with its users. Sending a notification. Like the way facebook and other containers does.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on March 14, 2008 01:49:52 Apps that build value through interactions between users this feature is a must. Lack of this feature favors apps that do not require inter user interaction.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on March 18, 2008 06:15:35 Any update on this is highly appreciated!

Currently the Activity streams goes for everyone in the list.... for some apps, they don't need to send messages for everyone in their friends list, but only for selected few. That is possible only if this feature is activated!!

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on March 18, 2008 13:17:42 is any update on this ?

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on March 28, 2008 09:05:50 This is very critical for any social networking application to improve the engagement of users in a social network

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on April 03, 2008 19:29:40 Given that the email address is not provided, the only way for an app to notify the owner about a new update is to send a message, isn't it? I mean, any activity is an activity of the viewer, not of the owner. Thus one needs to message the owner.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on April 25, 2008 04:23:49 It's one of the most important features in orkut or any other social network...

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 20, 2008 21:53:21 This is now live on the sandbox!

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 21, 2008 06:13:50 Hi,

Neither the recipient takes and array nor a VIEWER_FRIENDS or OWNER_FRIENDS Please check.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 21, 2008 06:43:52 An error is coming while trying the code given at

d has no properties Line 163

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 21, 2008 06:50:49 This one works,

function requestSendMessage(){ var params = {}; params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]="Hello"; var body="How are you ??";
var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params); var recipient = opensocial.DataRequest.PersonId.OWNER; opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message); }

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 21, 2008 08:49:17 I am still getting the error.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 22, 2008 05:19:26 This also does not work

function requestSendMessage(){ var params = {}; params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]="Hello"; var body="How are you ??";
var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params); var recipient = opensocial.DataRequest.Group.VIEWER_FRIENDS; opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message); }

Can you please look into this urgently.. ?

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 23, 2008 23:24:28 According to the blog post about this (, you can specify PersonID.OWNER, PersonID.VIEWER, Group.VIEWER_FRIENDS, Group.OWNER_FRIENDS, or a single user id.

The actual OpenSocial specification has another (WAY more useful) option: an array of ids.

iLike absolutely needs this final one implemented in order for many of our social features to work. Example: a user sends a dedication to 5 friends: first, our server stores the dedication and notifies the client code which ids received the dedication; then, the client code prompts the user (via requestSendMessage) to confirm sending a dedication to the friends whose ids we indicated to.

We can't implement this backwards (ie, call send message first) for two reasons: 1) we only want to send the message if we're sure that the dedication is stored in ourbackend; if we send a message and there's no corresponding dedication in the database (ie, request was lost in transmission), that would be annoying to the user. It would be much better if we stored a dedication in our database but sending the message notification failed. 2) Even if we decided to invert the flow in spite of point 1, we can't see which user ids the user even selected! So, if we tried to get the user to send a message and then store the dedication for those people the user selected, we can't -- we have no idea which ids the user picked and which s/he didn't.

In short: we need the "array of ids" portion of this to be implemented.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 27, 2008 09:11:10 This feature will support HTML tags? Right now it's looking like this after I send a notification: Robert has sent you <a target="_blank" href=";appParams=&#37;7B&#37;22page&#37;22&#37;3A&#37;22song&#37;22&#37;2C&#37;22track_id&#37;22&#37;3A&#37;2212352925&#37;22&#37;7D">Agincourt by <a target="_blank" href=";appParams=&#37;7B&#37;22page&#37;22&#37;3A&#37;22artist_details&#37;22&#37;2C&#37;22artist_id&#37;22&#37;3A&#37;220&#37;22&#37;7D">Test Department
My Application :P

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on May 29, 2008 00:18:48 If Orkut is going to prompt the user with a popover, they need to make sure that the popover experience is good. If the user has scrolled down a long canvas page and clicks something that initiates a requestSendMessage, the popover appears far up the page and the user has no idea that it even exists -- except that everything else is greyed out. That's a very bad user experience.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 07, 2008 02:25:49 The api specification says it can be used to pass an array of ids to send message.

We have an BizEx application running in production which would require sending multiple business cards in a single click, which would rather take so many number of clicks to perform and on success the application would be sending a message (using the api requestSendMessage) to the user notifying that the person has received a new contact address. Without this array of ids being implemented it is just impossible to send it to multiple people in a single click and it would be horrifying experience for the user in case he is prompted to fill in popped forms on every click.

Advantages of using the ids array:

  1. Reduce the number of clicks
  2. User experience remains good. Reduces time that each pop up form would take to send a message.
  3. Easier for many applications to club actions together for many people than individual.
  4. It would be even easier for applications to club the updates in the case rather than showing updates of every click.

As per our application requirement of the api, its very much needed for we would like to keep the user experience less demanding than asking each time.

Priority 1 for BizEx application already running in production, absolutely blocker if the api has to be implemented.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 10, 2008 12:10:24 opensocial.requestSendMessage still does not work on production ( .... I am getting a NOT IMPLEMENTED error message there but it was working fine on sandbox

Any ideas on when it will be implemented on production as well?

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 11, 2008 13:13:57 I am also seeing the same issue. opensocial.requestSendMessage is not working. Is there a check to place in code to disable this option for now and it automatically gets enabled when the functionality is available?

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 12, 2008 19:58:43 No, but we will post to the developer blog when requestSendMessage is available on It won't be too much longer.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 18, 2008 17:42:12 Our QA people are noticing that HTML and links are completely stripped from the email notification. I'm assuming that's a bug -- this feature is totally useless if the messages you send can't point the user to a canvas page with specific parameters.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 18, 2008 17:55:56 In addition to my previous comment, we've noticed that if you don't enter a personalized message, Orkut sends the prompt text in its place: "Enter a personal message".

Obviously, this field needs to be cleared out before form submission if it hasn't been changed.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 25, 2008 13:33:57 requestSendMessage works only under certain users.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 26, 2008 17:11:02 gadzhed: Can you provide more information and/or sample code where requestSendMessage fails? You should be able to send a message to any user, but you can only send these one-at-a-time if you specify IDs directly.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 27, 2008 04:48:22 Why is the send button disabled? And why do we have to enter the To addresses again when we have already assigned the recipent ids ie., opensocial.DataRequest.Group.OWNER_FRIENDS?

Is it really working?

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 27, 2008 17:05:30 The send button becomes enabled when you type the name of one or more friends. You have to do this because the user is sending the message, not the application. So we let the user specify which friends he wants to send the message to, which prevents blanket messages from being sent when they have no relevance for most of the recipients.

I'm closing this request since it has been implemented. If you have any issues with the current implementation, please open a new issue.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 27, 2008 18:05:27 The HTML tags are being stripped from the message. Please advise!

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on June 27, 2008 18:11:40 I opened a new bug regarding html tags + images in requestSendMessage:

Please add your stars so we can increase the priority of having support for html.


mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on July 31, 2008 10:03:03 hi

it is returning the Javascript error

d has no properties

i am using the following code

function sendEmail(id) {
var params = [];
var body="Como estas?";
var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params);
var recipient = id;
opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message); };

can any one give me quicj reply.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on August 06, 2008 00:58:07 rajaveernapu: please post these types of questions to the orkut Developer Forum at

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on March 04, 2009 03:49:55 hi my problem is that to pass images with in notification is not working images not displayed pls help

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on March 21, 2009 03:06:12 i cant sent scraps from my id aplz do some thing plz

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on April 04, 2009 10:32:14 Hi,

I have used requestSendMessage to send message:it is sending message to owner only.Pop up box appears and send message to owner. I want to send message to owner friends.Plz help me...

Code listed below send message to owner only: function sendmail(){ var params = {}; params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]="Hello"; var body="How are you ??";
var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params); var recipient = opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.OWNER; opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message); }

and if i used this code ..then it is not sending message to owner friends ..plz help me.. it's urgent...

function sendmail(){ var params = {}; params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]="Hello"; var body="How are you ??";
var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params); var recipient = opensocial.IdSpec.Group.OWNER_FRIENDS; opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message); }


mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on April 06, 2009 04:18:45 Hi, how to send messages to owners-friends using requestSendMessage?

I used requestSendMessage and

function sendmail(){ var params = {}; params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]="Hello"; var body="How are you ??";
var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params); var recipient = opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.OWNER; opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message); }

for sending message bt it is sending message to owner only.( and it is working in Mozilla firefox and not working in IE 8.0 )

How to send messages to owner friends??? I have used, var recipient = opensocial.IdSpec.Group.OWNER_FRIENDS; But it is not sending message at all.. i can't see pop up message box also.

mmarum-sugarcrm commented 11 years ago

From on October 20, 2009 11:57:41 I want to send email to owners friends after adding app

but this doesnot work var recipient = opensocial.IdSpec.Group.OWNER_FRIENDS;

nor this var recipient = "OWNER_FRIENDS"; opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message, callback);

please help or work around

my code function sendEmail(title, body) { var params = []; var rec = [];

      params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE] = title;
      params[opensocial.Message.Field.TYPE] = opensocial.Message.Type.EMAIL;

      var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params);

    var recipient = opensocial.IdSpec.Group.OWNER_FRIENDS;

      opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message, callback);
