OpenSource-Tools / LiquidVoting

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"Organisational Unit" bug #49

Closed kvdmolen closed 9 years ago

kvdmolen commented 9 years ago

There are currently two "Organisational Units"

At the index page I see both (top left corner in the sidebar)

But here I see only the first one (Unit 1) and it's subject-area's

Any Idea why? perhaps no rights/... ?

nktc commented 9 years ago

Here is the unit table:

liquid_feedback_01=> select * from unit;
 id | parent_id | active |       name        | description | member_count |       text_search_data        
  2 |           | t      | Unit 1            |             |            3 | '1':2 'unit':1
  1 |         1 | t      | Political Party 1 |             |            3 | '1':3 'party':2 'political':1
  3 |         2 | t      | Unit 1.1          | Child unit  |            2 | '1.1':2 'child':3 'unit':1,4
(3 rows)

This code builds the tree:

note if not unit.parent_id then ... in the table above parent_id for Political Party 1 was set to 1 (i.e., id == parent_id). But as you can see the tree-building code is looking for a null parent id.

So - I set parent_id to null and now it works. Somewhere (probably in the area creation code) parent id is being set to id, rather than null. So we can fix that, or we can change the get_flattened_tree to read if not unit.parent_id or == unit.parent_id. I hope that explanation makes sense.

kvdmolen commented 9 years ago

yeah, hmm, weird that it did work for the other "unit". perhaps another piece of code changes from id to null. perhaps the first option is the better one then? I made a new one, now it does show up in the admin-settings ( but not in the index page (

can u check the parent_id setting for this "new issue"?

nktc commented 9 years ago
liquid_feedback_01=> select * from unit
 id | parent_id | active |       name        | description | member_count |       text_search_data        
  3 |         2 | t      | Unit 1.1          | Child unit  |            5 | '1.1':2 'child':3 'unit':1,4
  1 |           | t      | Political Party 1 |             |            6 | '1':3 'party':2 'political':1
  2 |           | t      | Central District  |             |            6 | 'central':1 'district':2
  4 |           | t      | District East     |             |            3 | 'district':1 'east':2
(4 rows)
nktc commented 9 years ago

The reason you're only seeing Political Party 1 and Central District on the index is because they are the only ones your user has "privilege" for. This is defined by the privilege table, which joins unit and member:

liquid_feedback_01=> select, from privilege, member, unit where unit_id = and member_id = order by;
     name      |       name        
 Administrator | Political Party 1
 Administrator | Central District
 Aik           | District East
 Aik           | Central District
 Aik           | Unit 1.1
 Aik           | Political Party 1
 imanahumury   | Central District
 imanahumury   | District East
 imanahumury   | Political Party 1
 imanahumury   | Unit 1.1
 kvdmolen      | Political Party 1
 kvdmolen      | District East
 kvdmolen      | Central District
 kvdmolen      | Unit 1.1
 nktc          | Political Party 1
 nktc          | Central District
 nktc          | Unit 1.1
 remark        | Political Party 1
 remark        | Central District
 remark        | Unit 1.1
               | Central District
               | Political Party 1
(22 rows)

I haven't yet figured out how this privilege is established. Perhaps there is a setting somewhere in the admin?

kvdmolen commented 9 years ago

Ah yes, got it, there is: thanks for the research