OpenSource-Tools / LiquidVoting

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Phase "finished" #70

Open kvdmolen opened 9 years ago

kvdmolen commented 9 years ago

Please watch this:

  1. the 3rd phase directly says "finished" (also the 4th phase) while it still has time. same here:
  2. some floating text left
nktc commented 9 years ago

I don't think I understand what the issue is here - for both of the ones you linked to, I see a countdown on the Voting phase, and the Discussion phase says finished.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Klaas van der Molen <> wrote:

Please watch this:

  1. some floating text left
  2. the 3rd phase directly says "finished" (also the 4th phase) while it still has time. same here:

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kvdmolen commented 9 years ago


I see "finished" for voting phase:


If i disable JS, i see this date: 2015-04-22 17:53:05

hmm weird then.. any idea?

nktc commented 9 years ago

I can tell you why this is happening. The way the countdown script works is:

Here, the voting dates are 2015-04-22 17:53:05 and 2015-04-22 18:22:48 for the ones you linked to. Those dates are in the past, so that's why the date is saying "finished".

The thing I'm confused about is what you want instead of this behavior?

kvdmolen commented 9 years ago

Point is, this phase should last for 30 days, so the date should even now be in the future..

If I look at the Details (below the issue) at bottom it says:

Fully frozen at 2015-04-22 18:32:55
Voting time 1 month

Which also is weird.. Why would it freeze..

Expected behaviour

The next month the voting-phase is open, people can vote, closing date is 30 days from now.

nktc commented 9 years ago

here's that row in the db, in case that helps:

liquid_feedback_01=> select * from initiative,issue where = 'hkjhkjkj' and initiative.issue_id =;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------+------------------------------
issue_id                           | 25
id                                 | 28
name                               | hkjhkjkj
polling                            | f
discussion_url                     | 
created                            | 2015-04-22 18:12:48.915936+02
revoked                            | 
revoked_by_member_id               | 
suggested_initiative_id            | 
admitted                           | t
supporter_count                    | 1
informed_supporter_count           | 1
satisfied_supporter_count          | 1
satisfied_informed_supporter_count | 1
harmonic_weight                    | 1.000
final_suggestion_order_calculated  | t
first_preference_votes             | 
positive_votes                     | 
negative_votes                     | 
direct_majority                    | 
indirect_majority                  | 
schulze_rank                       | 
better_than_status_quo             | 
worse_than_status_quo              | 
reverse_beat_path                  | 
multistage_majority                | 
eligible                           | 
winner                             | 
rank                               | 
text_search_data                   | 'hkjhkjkj':1
id                                 | 25
area_id                            | 1
policy_id                          | 3
admin_notice                       | 
state                              | voting
phase_finished                     | 
created                            | 2015-04-22 18:12:48.915936+02
accepted                           | 2015-04-22 18:12:50.38054+02
half_frozen                        | 2015-04-22 18:22:50.994329+02
fully_frozen                       | 2015-04-22 18:32:55.342764+02
closed                             | 
cleaned                            | 
admission_time                     | 00:10:00
discussion_time                    | 00:10:00
verification_time                  | 00:10:00
voting_time                        | 30 days
snapshot                           | 2015-04-22 18:32:55.342764+02
latest_snapshot_event              | full_freeze
population                         | 3
voter_count                        | 
status_quo_schulze_rank            | 
name                               |