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Core set of (multicompartmental) cell models in NeuroML2 for use in detailed model of cerebellar cortex #7

Open pgleeson opened 9 years ago

pgleeson commented 9 years ago

Brief description

There are a number of single cell models of cerebellar neurons on OSB. A core set of these should be converted to NeuroML2 & curated for use in large scale simulations of cerebellar function

Detailed description

The following models on OSB are candidates for curation to valid NeuroML2.

NeuroML1 NeuroML2 Documentation OMV tests
Granule cells
Maex & De Schutter 2008 *** *** ** ** 3D
Diwakar et al. 2009
Solinas et al. 2010 ** ~ ** *
Steuber & Saviane *
Golgi cells
Maex & De Schutter 2008 *** *** ** 3D
Solinas et al. 2007 *** * * 3D
Vervaeke et al 2010 *** * * 3D
Purkinje Cells
De Schutter and Bower 1994 ** * 3D
TODO: Masoli et al., 2015
Cerebellar nucleus neuron
Steuber et al. 2011 * 3D
Unipolar Brush Cell
TODO: Subramaniyam et al., 2014

Key: *** Well supported in NeuroML2; extensive documentation/tests ** Partial support in NeuroML2; good documentation/tests * Some initial support in NeuroML2; initial documentation/tests ~ Working on it...

Possible extensions

Create a set of scripts for generating provisional version of the network in 3D to test scaling

Work on this has begun here:

Gratuitous screenshot 1


Contact p.gleeson -at- if you are interested in contributing to this task

pgleeson commented 9 years ago

@theiera will be working on this...