OpenSourceBrain / MiglioreEtAl14_OlfactoryBulb3D

3D model of the olfactory bulb (Migliore et al. 2014)
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GCs do not appear to have position information #12

Closed pgleeson closed 8 years ago

pgleeson commented 8 years ago

From #6

@JustasB it could well be the case that the GCs are not given explicit positions, though it does look like it from the movie here


They may be just randomly positioned inside the main ellipsoid, but this code suggests otherwise...

Note though that there is a dendrite on the GCs which isn't shown above.

Does the connectivity depend on the location of the GC?

Would be good to get Francesco to comment on this.

JustasB commented 8 years ago

This has been resolved. There is a lookup table and some functions that give the GC positions.