OpenSourceBrain / MiglioreEtAl14_OlfactoryBulb3D

3D model of the olfactory bulb (Migliore et al. 2014)
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Resolve issue of disconnected axon hillock #7

Closed pgleeson closed 8 years ago

pgleeson commented 9 years ago

Each mitral cell has an axon hillock/initial segment which is not located near the cell soma:


3D view

These could potentially be relocated/rotated to the correct location when the cells are converted to NML2.

JustasB commented 8 years ago

@pgleeson Any tips for how to visualize the mitral cell in NEURON ModelView?

pgleeson commented 8 years ago

Best to make a self-contained hoc file which calls and other files as needed. Try to make this into a script to create one fully set up mitral cells with all params as would be used in the main sim, and this can be used for #4 and for visualising the cell.

JustasB commented 8 years ago

Moved the hillock and initialseg to be next to the soma

pgleeson commented 8 years ago

Great. They're all still oriented the same direction, i.e. not in line with cell body, but this is relatively minor.