Running fails at the eeprom clearing stage.
The command that is run:
$ stm8flash -c stlinkv2 -p stm8s105?6 -w src/controller/data_empty.ihx
Determine FLASH area
Due to its file extension (or lack thereof), "src/controller/data_empty.ihx" is considered as INTEL HEX format!
Address 4000 is out of range at line 1
The problem is that EEPROM starts at address 0x4000, but stm8flash assumes that flash is being addressed because that is the default.
The solution seems simple, explicitly specify eeprom:
Running fails at the eeprom clearing stage. The command that is run:
The problem is that EEPROM starts at address 0x4000, but stm8flash assumes that flash is being addressed because that is the default.
The solution seems simple, explicitly specify eeprom:
I have tested this and it works as expected.