OpenSourceEcon / BootCamp2019

Repository of syllabi, lecture notes, Jupyter notebooks, code, and problem sets for OSE Lab Boot Camp 2019
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Rust (1987) Python code #13

Open rickecon opened 5 years ago

rickecon commented 5 years ago

Bertel Schjerning presented the Rust (1987) discrete choice dynamic programming problem of the Harold Zurcher bus engine replacement problem in his DSE Summer School lectures today (Monday, July 8). He was using MATLAB code. I found a nice notebook implementation of the Zurcher problem in this repository by Quentin Andre. Simply fork and clone the repository and open the notebook. I had to comment out the lines in the second cell setting the matplotlib color parameters.

%matplotlib inline
figsize(12, 8)
pd.set_option("display.precision", 3)
# s = json.load( open("./styles/bmh_matplotlibrc.json") )
# mpl.rcParams.update(s)

# def css_styling():
#     styles = open("./styles/custom.css", "r").read()
#     return HTML(styles)
# css_styling()

Everything works fine for me after commenting those last six lines.

@ani1231091 @AOzhegova @ashenk99 @azinoma @danielkdimitrov @ddhkim @EricHuang49 @isaacsantelli @JackShiqiLi @janertl @jeannesorin @joaopvalente @keertanavc @keiirizawa @kumar-ab @liu431 @lucamaria @MartinaFraschini @martinlibo @mathyoufitzgerald @ozaltun @rebekahanne @rmmomin @sofoniasalemu @terrytwu @tpellet @uta-bolt @Wouter-vdW @Xincheng-Qiu