OpenSourceEcon / BootCamp2019

Repository of syllabi, lecture notes, Jupyter notebooks, code, and problem sets for OSE Lab Boot Camp 2019
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Fixing the error when running #26

Open azinoma opened 4 years ago

azinoma commented 4 years ago


Simon and Bora figured out how to solve the error which appeared for most of us when running

A good way of solving it is:

  1. when you are logged onto the cluster, go to your home directory using cd (normally you should be there already, but a cd doesn't hurt).
  2. type vim .bashrc so that you are able to edit the bashrc file
  3. press i so that you are in insert mode.
  4. paste module load python export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PREFIX/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export IPOPT_DIR="/home/rccguest1410/OSE2019/day1/SparseGridCode/pyipopt_midway/Ipopt-3.12.5/build" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$IPOPT_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

(you need to use ctrl + shift + v for pasting) and replace the four digits in rccguest1410 by the last four digits of your yubikey.

  1. press escape to exit the insert mode
  2. type :wq to save the changes and exit vim.

Exit the terminal and log on again. Now it should work. Keep us posted if not.

azinoma commented 4 years ago


I am very sorry, but it seems this is not a permanent solution. So far we didn't find a better way than doing the following every time you log on to the cluster:

  1. module load python
  2. cd OSE2019/day1/SparseGridCode/pyipopt_midway/
  3. source

It's a bit annoying but this seems to work for everybody. Let me know if not.