OpenSourceEconomics / skillmodels

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Suggestions for renamings of parameters #32

Closed hmgaudecker closed 4 years ago

hmgaudecker commented 5 years ago

@janosg: Please disapprove where you see fit...

Sort-of related: save_intermediate_optimization_results and save_path seem more useful as optional parameters to the fit() method rather than model-level constants. Same comment for start_params, start_values_per_quantity, maxiter, maxfun.

janosg commented 5 years ago

Probability anchoring was just dropped. I agree with the other renaming proposals.

Yes, save_intermediate_optimization_results, save_path, start_params, maxiter and maxfun should actually not be part of skillmodels and definitely not of the model specification but just be passed through to estimagic.maximize via the fit method.