OpenSourceFellows / amplify

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[Documentation] Add user journey diagram for contributing to Amplify #422

Open manishapriya94 opened 1 year ago

manishapriya94 commented 1 year ago


How can we create a better onboarding/exploring experience by connecting potential contributors to resources within the repo?

Exit Criteria: user journey chart using

    title Onboarding to project
    section 💻 Setting up
      Read readme and try out app: 5 
      Set up codespaces (guidelines): 5
      Pick a good first issue : 5
    section 🍎 Enablement
      File structure & Functions: 5
      Frontend & Vuetify: 5
      Data Structures: 5
      APIs Lob, Cicero, Twilio, Auth0: 5

    section 🚀 Contributing
      Status of issues (project board): 5
      Weekly announcements (discussion): 5
      Slack: 5   

Outstanding questions:

manishapriya94 commented 1 year ago

@therzka any other questions you would ask?

therzka commented 1 year ago

@manishapriya94 this looks great! I would maybe consider converting to a flowchart because then we can link to parts of the documentation

here's a start, need to fill in links

flowchart TB
    subgraph setup[Setting Up]
        direction LR
        A[read readme and try out app]
        click A href ""
        A --> B[Set up codespaces]
        click B href "https://"
        B --> C[Pick a good first issue]
        click C href "https://"
    subgraph enable[Enablement]
        direction LR
        D[File Structure & Functions] --> E[Frontend & Vuetify]
        click D href "https://"
        click E href "https://"
        E --> F[Data Structures]
        click F href "https://"
        F --> G[APIs: Lob, Cicero, Twilio, Auth0]
        click G href "https://"

    subgraph contribute[Contribute]
        direction LR
        H[Issues/Project Board] --> I["Weekly Announcements (discussions)"] --> J[Slack]
        click H href "https://"
        click I href "https://"
        click J href "https://"
    setup --> enable --> contribute