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[Tests] Create a mock endpoint and tests for cicero api #509

Open DietBepis1 opened 1 year ago

DietBepis1 commented 1 year ago

I am starting to run into issues with our "policy" for Cicero. Since it is such an integral part of our application, I think it is a high priority to create a fake endpoint for testing instead of relying on a trial key.

Back-end todos:

Other todos:

Here is the schema that is returned for each representative from Cicero:

  id: 343935,
  name: 'Lloyd Austin III',
  title: 'Secretary of Defense',
  address_line1: 'U.S. Department of Defense',
  address_line2: '1000 Defense Pentagon',
  address_city: 'Washington',
  address_state: 'DC',
  address_zip: '20301-1000',
  address_country: 'US',
  email: 'Not Made Public',
  contactPage: '',
  photoUrl: '',
  socialMediaPages: [
       type: 'facebook',
       url: '',
       icon: 'fa-brands fa-facebook-f',
       color: '#4267B2'
      type: 'instagram',
      url: '',
      icon: 'fa-brands fa-instagram',
      color: '#C13584'
      type: 'twitter',
      url: '',
      icon: 'fa-brands fa-twitter',
      color: '#1DA1F2'
      type: 'twitter',
      url: '',
      icon: 'fa-brands fa-twitter',
      color: '#1DA1F2'
  photoCroppingCSS: 'center center'
knowaveragejoe commented 1 year ago

As far as locally faking the endpoint goes, we could use something like json-server:

For local configuration, could we not just set something like CICERO_ENDPOINT_URL in .env to the test endpoint locally vs. the real one in production?

knowaveragejoe commented 1 year ago

I put together a small prototype locally using json-server. You can inject the routes it generates into the apiRouter after the other routes are defined, and all of them will work(i.e. /api/campaigns will work as usual, /api/representatives will return fake data from the json-server schema defined in db.json locally). We can just wrap this injection in a conditional that looks at the environment to ensure that it only happens locally.

I am a little confused by why this route should be a POST endpoint, however. It seems like if this is to simply return a list of representatives that should be GET? @DietBepis1 could you shed some light on that aspect?

christina-ml commented 1 year ago

Hey, is it ok if I join on this issue too? I've been wanting to work with API-related issues @DietBepis1 @knowaveragejoe

knowaveragejoe commented 1 year ago

@christina-ml I'd be happy to have you, check out this PR:


paramsiddharth commented 1 year ago

I put together a small prototype locally using json-server. You can inject the routes it generates into the apiRouter after the other routes are defined, and all of them will work(i.e. /api/campaigns will work as usual, /api/representatives will return fake data from the json-server schema defined in db.json locally). We can just wrap this injection in a conditional that looks at the environment to ensure that it only happens locally. Hey @knowaveragejoe ! Good work setting that up. I think we can simply have that object stored in a JS object and return it under the server. However, I'd still like to have a look at what you've created and if it is good enough, we can go ahead and have that in the application. :)

I am a little confused by why this route should be a POST endpoint, however. It seems like if this is to simply return a list of representatives that should be GET? @DietBepis1 could you shed some light on that aspect?

Well, from what I've understood, the reason why most services do that is because POST has more possibilities — A request body is something most HTTP request frameworks don't support for GET.

DietBepis1 commented 1 year ago

I put together a small prototype locally using json-server. You can inject the routes it generates into the apiRouter after the other routes are defined, and all of them will work(i.e. /api/campaigns will work as usual, /api/representatives will return fake data from the json-server schema defined in db.json locally). We can just wrap this injection in a conditional that looks at the environment to ensure that it only happens locally. Hey @knowaveragejoe ! Good work setting that up. I think we can simply have that object stored in a JS object and return it under the server. However, I'd still like to have a look at what you've created and if it is good enough, we can go ahead and have that in the application. :)

I am a little confused by why this route should be a POST endpoint, however. It seems like if this is to simply return a list of representatives that should be GET? @DietBepis1 could you shed some light on that aspect?

Well, from what I've understood, the reason why most services do that is because POST has more possibilities — A request body is something most HTTP request frameworks don't support for GET.

Honestly, the POST request could be a GET. @paramsiddharth is correct that many GET requests (including in Express.js) will ignore the request body, but in this case, we are just passing the zipcode as a parameter in the Cicero call, and all the Authentication is sent in the request headers.

kalahasv commented 10 months ago

@trushmi is it ok if I work on this as well?