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2/1: Developing better with Copilot #8

Closed manishapriya94 closed 1 year ago

manishapriya94 commented 1 year ago



[Presentation Content ]

// function to generate a random number
// start typing 
function randomNum() // to see copilot jump into action
// You can hover over the suggested code to accept the solution or seek more solutions if available.
// That's one way, you can also start typing comments directly
// write a function to multiply 2 numbers
function multi // and it should come up with auto suggestions
// Let's say we want to accept the suggestion and also write the output to console:
console.log // And it'll auto complete it for me, you can run it from the terminal node index
// We can switch to something a little more fun. There is always a need to work with dates:
// create a function to get current date
function getData() { // accept and wait a bit after hitting return
// it gets a nice output format for us too with additional information
// let's log it by starting to type 'console.log' or comment write output to console 
// Now let’s say we wanted to get yesterday’s date, start writing the comment // output 
// the current date
// The completed sequence would look like below:
// create a function to get the current date
function getDate() {
    var date = new Date();
    var day = date.getDate();
    var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    var year = date.getFullYear();
    return day + "/" + month + "/" + year;

// output the current date
// run it from the terminal by typing node index
// Let's improve on this. Now we want a function to get yesterday's date
// type: //create a function to get yesterday's date
// Accept 'tab' through each line
// Now after output of current date just start the comment with // and it'll automatically
// write out the comment to get yesterday's date. This is an example of Copilot
// learning the context and synthesizing the suggestions based on context
// Now let's try updating the format of the output for current date
// output the current date
console.log("Today's date: " + getDate());
// output the yesterday's date
console.log("Yesterday's date: " + getYesterday());
// Notice the only code I have written so far is this, rest were all generated by Copilot
// Including format of the dates
// Ok so what if we wanted to update the format, but I don't want to look up
// JavaScript syntax?
// Start typing: // print the date in format or just // after console.log to see the magic
// Then perhaps output yesterday's date in different format, just type //. What happens?
// Magic, it seems like Copilot knows what I want as soon as I start thinking about it
// Completed sequence looks like below:
// output the current date
console.log("Today's date: " + getDate());
// output the yesterday's date
console.log("Yesterday's date: " + getYesterday());
// output the current date in a different format
console.log("Today's date: " + getDate().split("/").reverse().join("-"));
// output the yesterday's date in a different format
console.log("Yesterday's date: " + getYesterday().split("/").reverse().join("-"));
// Ok let's try something different
// Story: I returned from a trip to Europe recently and the temperatures there were
// all in degrees celsius. So I'd hear 34 degrees today, or 36 degrees today
// but to me all it meant was hot, I didn't know exactly how hot. I could use a temperature
// converter to convert celsius to Fahrenheit and then I'd know.
// So let's build it, start typing the comment below:
// convert celcius to fahrenheit
// Accept the suggestions, then write another comment to output the result
// Accept the suggestion and run it to see it in action
// Wow 34 degrees is 93.2 and it was humid, no wonder I was melting
// Let's try 37 which was the max I faced.
// Yup, pretty hot.
// Let's try something different. Let's say I wanted to generate some data, but I didn't
// know what to start with, and I don't want to think. I want to be guided
// just to get it going, let's try, write the comment below:
// Generate some random data
// Accept the way through
// Write a comment to output the data
// Aah, I see I have an array of 100 random numbers. Interesting
// So this gives me an idea
// What if I wanted to create an array of names? Maybe I want to work with strings
// Let's try create an array of names, accept the change
// Great! 
// output a random name from the array? Try it
// run node index from the terminal to see results
// Ok, that's just 4 names, ok I'm running out of ideas, so if I want to remain 
// in this coding mode, maybe a function? 
// Let's see what Copilot thinks I would want to do next?
// Start typing // create a function in the next line
// Wow nice, it's formalizing the process for me. It seems the next logical
// step given I'd want this process to be repeatable to package this 
// in a function, let's try, nice!
// Now let's create an array of numbers
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
// create an array of colors
// Ok now what's interesting here, is notice it's choosing var by default for me.
// Let's say I want to use const instead of var. Let me go ahead and make that 
// change. Now let's create another array of words.
// Notice what happened, Copilot changed it's suggestion and came up with
// const, instead of var. It's learning my style on the fly, based on the context 
//Let's try again with numbers, the suggested response should 
// be as below:
// create an array of numbers
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
// You can extend this to classes as well. For simplicity let's create a calculator
// class, accept through a few methods, when you want to stop, start typing class
// create a calculator class
// add a method to add two numbers
// add a method to subtract two numbers
// add a method to multiply two numbers
// add a method to divide two numbers
// Now you see the suggestion has the 4 methods that my comment specified
// You can use it
// The completed sequence looks like below:
// create a calculator class
// add a method to add two numbers
// add a method to subtract two numbers
// add a method to multiply two numbers
// add a method to divide two numbers
class Calculator {
  constructor() {
    this.value = 0;
  add(num) {
    this.value += num;
  subtract(num) {
    this.value -= num;
  multiply(num) {
    this.value *= num;
  divide(num) {
    this.value /= num;

// create a new instance of the calculator class
const calc = new Calculator();
// add two to the calculator
// output the result
// subtract 5 from the result
// output the result
// checkout action from marketplace autolabel
// build workflow and fill in auth pieces 
So that concludes our first look at GitHub Copilot. Any questions?


Copilot docs - includes getting started Copilot feature page Copilot GA post

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