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How do you manage CP with Development?[Session by Satyaki] #11

Open sarthakgupta072 opened 6 years ago

sarthakgupta072 commented 6 years ago

First of all, thanks Satyaki bh for giving your time for this session, I follow you on various sites and know quite a bit about you. This question is quite common and little personal, with regard with your profile. I know there can be common answer that "You should manage your time", "You should be disciplined", "You should do what you enjoy"(I honestly enjoy both the stuff) and the list can continue. But how? I want to know if there is a (hack)technique you follow or a method you adopt to manage your time and how was your typical day in college and when you joined at Directi. Also I have observed that, in spite of your job, you are constantly in touch with competitive programming, and that's very exceptional. I mean most of the top coders of our college left CP platforms just after they joined their job, because of loads of work. I myself did gsoc last year, and I find it very difficult to manage CP and Dev both at the same time? Also the saying goes "If you want to become good at something, you should fully concentrate on that stuff only", which is totally against, this. :p Thanks again :D

nikhita commented 6 years ago

@satyaki3794 Looks like there is a question for you. :) Could you help answer this? Thanks!

satyaki3794 commented 6 years ago

I have already touched on this in the session. To reiterate, you need to decide your priorities. Yes, managing CP with work is tough but not impossible. You have to make sacrifices to make time for CP (eg. I stopped going out on weekends). I wake up early and practise before going to work. I come back home from work and practise again. I do not have much time for movies, TV series, socializing as a result of this but these are the sacrifices I chose to make. :)