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All Raids Screen #17

Open nobrayner opened 3 years ago

nobrayner commented 3 years ago

Can be switched between the "Active" tab, and "Completed" tab. Active tab only fetches Raid's with the "active" status - Completed tab only gets "completed" status.

The Raids list is shown in newest to oldest order.

Something to think about, is paginating the completed raids, so we aren't hammering the DB or slowing the page down.


All Raids - Completed All Raids - Active

nobrayner commented 3 years ago

This isn't just a "Implement this exactly" - if anyone has a suggestion, or while working on it an improvement or idea comes along... Do it! If it is super drastic and you aren't sure, chat about it! This is just a baseline to get us all started

tigerabrodi commented 3 years ago

@nobrayner I think since styling at the moment is not necessary, this is awesome :raised_hands:

I think it would be great to see some more info for the different raids, i.e. time, amount of people who contributed, etc. not too detailed but perhaps a bit of information, what do you think? An example could be a number with some icon, indicating how many contributed to a particular raid. :man_shrugging:

ziedtouibi commented 3 years ago

Hey guys, what are the screens/pages the website will have?

tigerabrodi commented 3 years ago

@ziedtouibi I recommend opening a new issue for this and bringing it up in Discord, about the routes + pages we want to have for our website :100:.

nobrayner commented 3 years ago

What are the screens/pages the website will have?

@ziedtouibi couldn't tell you at this point! :sweat_smile: This will more happen one feature at a time, and improvements will be made accross the board as we go.

tigerabrodi commented 3 years ago

@nobrayner Defo! @JacobMGEvans also shared this with me, which I probably missed somehow :fire:

I think we can use those milestones as our "focus" point, looks nice btw!! :muscle:

YPAzevedo commented 3 years ago

@nobrayner are the labels going to be colored? like complete, open, in progress.

nobrayner commented 3 years ago

The "Completed" label was based on there only being two options: In Progress and Completed. I am actually thinking it may be better to change up this wireframe, and have two lists: the "Active" raids, and the "Completed" raids. Then there is no need for the status indicator, or filtering between them.

Reasoning: The current state of the Guild will only have a few active raids at a time (if more than one at all). Another approach could be tabs - @YPAzevedo what do you think?

YPAzevedo commented 3 years ago

@nobrayner I like the idea of separating the two, tabs are interesting, with the active tab being the first one, right? Then if we end up having more statuses we can move to a tag/pill approach for filtering

JacobMGEvans commented 3 years ago

Thoughts? Better Raid names Quest & Raid Boss is the current Raid Name

Mystic Ice HospitalRun
-> Main Quest & Raid Boss: Convert Enzyme to React Testing LIbrary
nobrayner commented 3 years ago

@YPAzevedo I have updated the main issue body with new wireframes.

Were you planning on taking this one up?

nobrayner commented 3 years ago

I really want better raid names - that's for sure. But I would want them to be randomly generated, somehow... Maybe worth a separate issue for that, @JacobMGEvans ?

datner commented 3 years ago

I can try to tackle this