OpenSourceShowAndTell / SanFrancisco2016

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Hacking PostgreSQL to gain SQL Parsing Superpowers #5

Open lfittl opened 8 years ago

lfittl commented 8 years ago

I'd love to share a project I've been working on for some time in the PostgreSQL space: is a library to parse SQL statements, with the particular benefit that it parses every valid statement that the current PostgreSQL stable version can parse.

It does so through a variety of hacks and stubs, taking the actual PostgreSQL server parser and using its resulting parsetree.

Initially a Ruby library, by now it has been ported to Go by myself (with nice structs for the query parsetree), and others have ported it to Node.js, Python and friends.

I'll give some background on the project, and then briefly show off some things you can do when you're able to parse SQL statements.

Links for context:

elof commented 8 years ago

Aweseome 👍 and look forward to seeing you on Friday!

lfittl commented 8 years ago

@elof Yay - looking forward to it! 🎉

elof commented 7 years ago

Hi Lukas. We're gearing up for the next OSSAT on Fri 6/9 in downtown SF at Google Launchpad. Would love to have you attend and there are a few community speaking spots left if you have something you'd like to talk about this year around :) for all the infos.

Even if you can't attend helping us get the word out by telling a friend or posting to some social media would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you have any questions at all.

elof commented 6 years ago

Hi Lukas. It took me way way to long, but I finally got your talk from last year up on the internet. You can check it out here:

lfittl commented 6 years ago

@elof Yay, thanks for making the effort & for organizing the events. I didn't make it this year, but think of it highly and happy to see the recording up :)