OpenSourceShowAndTell / SanFrancisco_April2015

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PostgREST - create a declarative API from any Postgres database #13

Open begriffs opened 9 years ago

begriffs commented 9 years ago

I'll demonstrate how PostgREST automates declarative schema design, hypermedia affordances, security, and API versioning.

elof commented 9 years ago

+1 Sounds good!

elof commented 9 years ago

Just tried to send a note to your personal email with some extra direction. Let me know if you would like me to contact you a different way.

elof commented 9 years ago

Great talk yesterday. Would you be down to share your slides so we can incorporate them into the videos we are creating? Let me know if you have any questions. Justin at keen dot io

elof commented 8 years ago

We're doing another OSSAT later this month and would love to have you back out. Check it out

elof commented 7 years ago

Hi Joe. We're gearing up for the next OSSAT on Fri 6/9 in downtown SF at Google Launchpad. Would love to have you attend and there are a few community speaking spots left if you have something you'd like to talk about this year around :) for all the infos.

Even if you can't attend helping us get the word out by telling a friend or posting to some social media would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you have any questions at all.