OpenSourceShowAndTell / SanFrancisco_April2015

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ShareJS + RethinkDB: The beauty of OT and a realtime database #18

Open thejsj opened 9 years ago

thejsj commented 9 years ago

I wrote a RethinkDB driver for LiveDB, the database layer for ShareJS.

I plan on showing what ShareJS is, what my driver does, how RethinkDB is a really good companion to ShareJS and operational transformation in general, and why I decided to write it.

GitHub: npm: Demo:

elof commented 9 years ago


Talk format is 10min including Q&A. We'll have a projector and a white board if you need either, but they aren't required.

thejsj commented 9 years ago

Awesome! Thanks @elof

elof commented 8 years ago

We're doing another OSSAT later this month and would love to have you back out. Check it out

elof commented 7 years ago

Hi Jorge. We're gearing up for the next OSSAT on Fri 6/9 in downtown SF at Google Launchpad. Would love to have you attend and there are a few community speaking spots left if you have something you'd like to talk about this year around :) for all the infos.

Even if you can't attend helping us get the word out by telling a friend or posting to some social media would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you have any questions at all.