OpenSprites / OpenSprites-Origin

The original OpenSprites website, written in PHP. Discontinued - remains for historical reasons. See OpenSprites-Next for the new generation of Scratch resource sharing.
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IRC Channel #38

Closed The-QullzToxic closed 9 years ago

The-QullzToxic commented 9 years ago

Hi, I made a IRC Channel cause I can :p It`s on the freenode network on the channel #OpenSprites

towerofnix commented 9 years ago

Just curious, what's an IRC Channel? :P I have no idea.

It looks like the link is some sort of chat boxy type thing? I have no idea.

pilppe commented 9 years ago

Many developers use IRC channels for chatting together. Also they are as old as me.

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

Internet Relay Channels. I found a page on them in a book explaining using the internet with Windows 95-98. I'm not sure who'll use it, though, since most of team live in the US, and others live elsewhere.

andrewjcole commented 9 years ago

OpenSprites: Made in UK and elsewhere. xD (Edited by a British Guy :3)

The-QullzToxic commented 9 years ago

We need somthing like irc, so we can chat without clogging up other things.

matthewr6 commented 9 years ago

Nah, just use issues - I doubt any of us are on at around the same time (Except @GrannyCookies and I xD)

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

I sometimes catch you an GrannyCookies pushing updates. :P I was honestly under the impression that you lived in the UK until now. :P

andrewjcole commented 9 years ago

I'm GMT-4:00 timezone. :p

pilppe commented 9 years ago

GMT 2+ here ;)

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

I think only about three or four of the developers (including me) actually are on GMT. :P

matthewr6 commented 9 years ago

Mst here and about to start school

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

Wow, it's morning where you are! :O It's 3:00 here! :P

towerofnix commented 9 years ago

It's 11:00 here, and obviously I'm on when you are now. :P

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

I think this just proves my point about incompatible time zones. xD

towerofnix commented 9 years ago


Marchhill commented 9 years ago

I'm in GMT as well

matthewr6 commented 9 years ago

IRC wouldn't work based on time incompatibility, it seems

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

We are actually all in IRC atm

matthewr6 commented 9 years ago

I'm in school xD

andrewjcole commented 9 years ago

School was cancelled for me >:)

matthewr6 commented 9 years ago


The-QullzToxic commented 9 years ago


jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

Because we don't need to discuss it anymore, and it clutters issues and makes us off-topic. That's why. :P

Dominically commented 9 years ago

Do we even need irc any more?

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

We can use it sometimes.

andrewjcole commented 9 years ago

I'm usually on, as well as pilippe, DM5555 and liam showed up today.

jamesd-uk commented 9 years ago

and me :P

Dominically commented 9 years ago

And quillz