OpenStarbound / OpenStarbound

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Idea: Support for old save files with converting to latest #48

Open DartPower opened 3 months ago

DartPower commented 3 months ago

Idea: Support for old save files with converting to latest For example: Remove old items/quest data and missing json statements and/or change the header from SBPFV1(.1?) to SBVJ01

if this possible, i can send old save files for reversing 😅

Novaenia commented 3 months ago

if you can send some old player files I'll see if it's doable

DartPower commented 3 months ago

Sorry for very huge archive [~3gb] (this is all my old saves what im found, im hoarded it from 2013 to now time, this contains a 2013,2014, 2015, 2016,2017 & etc year saves - player and/or universe in all folders) but this is simply unsorted This don't contain any logs but in some folders have a txt with version name (if this need) And some of saves maybe modded (like FU and etc) and because idk where modded where not modded.

UPD: Added another archive "Also" (~400mb) , found also few saves. Very recomended to download all archives.