OpenStemmata / database

An open database of stemmata
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Make it a PyPI package #179

Open clemsciences opened 1 month ago

clemsciences commented 1 month ago

Is it suitable to make this repository a Python package easily accessible to coders? I can do it if needed.

clemsciences commented 1 week ago

In order to suggest code to create the Python package, I need several information:

clemsciences commented 1 week ago

Advances are visible here.

GusRiva commented 1 week ago

Hi! Thanks for all the work on this! I would leave the "database" out . pip install openstemmata and import openstemmata would be better. I'm wondering if CamelCase for the name of the distribution package the standard? Or should it be simply openstemmata?

clemsciences commented 1 week ago

I don't see any standards for names. There are names like Flask, BeautifulSoup, so we can choose. pip install openstemmata looks also fine and is shorter. It's ok for import openstemmata. Is there going to be other repositories in