On screens that are larger than 996px but smaller than 1100px, the right-side elements in the Navbar will overlap with the elements on the left side. Once the screen is smaller than 996px, the responsive theme toggles and then the mobile layout is presented with the navbar elements in a side drawer menu.
This issue is worsened as more elements are added to the navbar, only increasing the upper end of the screen width range where the elements will overlap.
On screens that are larger than 996px but smaller than 1100px, the right-side elements in the Navbar will overlap with the elements on the left side. Once the screen is smaller than 996px, the responsive theme toggles and then the mobile layout is presented with the navbar elements in a side drawer menu.
This issue is worsened as more elements are added to the navbar, only increasing the upper end of the screen width range where the elements will overlap.