OpenSur / Odoo_addons

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Wish list for future features #9

Open OpenSur opened 9 years ago

OpenSur commented 9 years ago

1) Search on events 2) Search on forums

akram1 commented 9 years ago

1) Detect which website module installed and show search tags accordingly 2) Nested search

lukebranch commented 9 years ago

@OpenSur ,

Thanks for adding this list. I'll keep adding suggestions/wishlist items to this list as I come across them, and I will try to provide as much supporting information as possible.

1) FTS is already included in the features in this module, however there is a project you may find useful here -

1a) I have noticed that there have been some new features added for FTS to PostgreSQL 9.4 and have been using PostgreSQL 9.4 in production for a month or so now. Here's a link to some more information on the newer FTS features in 9.4:

2) Consider a SaaS implementation as another module further down the road (ie. your own hosted solution with API that plugs into an Odoo module). This could be very useful for those that do not want a performance hit for large databases when they could be indexed off-site in a similar manner to

3) AJAX style instant search (maybe 10 of the most relevant search results displayed in a dropdown from the search bar, search-as-you-type).

4) Product and News Categories in search results (I believe there is a project for master in odoo-dev that is working on category search, as well as some ajax-style features that may be useful as a reference -

5) Synonym dictionary per language scope (user-input, as well as built-in). This could add the feature 'did you mean...' when searching for results. For example a user could input steak and the results of user-input synonym dictionary could incude Sirloin, RibEye, Steak Sauce, etc.

6) Search keywords per product, per category, per new post, etc. for example for the upcoming Meizu Ubuntu phone, you could add keywords for 'mobile, smartphone, ubuntu phone, etc.' beyond the scope of what is covered in the title, or body of the product page.

7) Redirects - for example if someone searches for 'mobile phone' this could redirect to the product category 'Smartphones'.

8) Option for thumbnail/image used in search results. I am working on website_multi_image here: that will soon be basing my multi-image code with that of product_images from OCA. Being able to pick and choose which images turn up in the search results would be a definite plus, however I think this would require perhaps an optional compatibility module for product_images that could add this feature only for those that use it.

9 Some Sphinx-search style features:

9a) I'd highly recommend taking a look at some of the Sphinx-search features, as many of these features would be fantastic in a fully-integrated, and/or SaaS-search option for Odoo.

10) Integration with product_customer_code from OCA (product-attributes repo), this module allows integration with the core search engine in the website frontend to allow for customers to search by their own product code, however this function does not seem to be present in your module, as the OCA module is not designed to integrate with the OpenSur module, but rather the core Odoo search module.

I'll go into some of these features in more detail as soon as I can find some and refer to specific methods that might be of interest to you for development of these features. Some of these features are my personal wishlist as they relate more to B2B type scenarios (eg. product_customer_code, and product_images), however, there are thousands of others out there that would benefit immensely from these features as well and make this even more valuable as a search tool for Odoo.

I think with a quality search engine like this one, and some of the multi-website, multi-store, multi-company features in the upcoming version 9 (released sometime 2015/2016), that Odoo will be able to compete and far exceed what is possible with Magento, Wordpress and other heavyweights in the e-commerce/CMS area.

lukebranch commented 8 years ago

@OpenSur ,

Have you seen this library by Twitter?:

I came across it while researching autocomplete search dropdowns for Magento and found this:

I think it (typeahead.js integration) would make an awesome UI component to your base search module.