OpenTTD / nml

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Prevent train overturning `misc_flags` function #303

Open evepoi opened 1 year ago

evepoi commented 1 year ago

By default, trains flip over on turns.

If there was a misc_flags function to prevent overturning when the train turns, it would be of great help when making trains.

Brickblock1 commented 1 year ago

What do you mean? Is this even possible within openttd?

2TallTyler commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what you mean, but new behavior needs to be added to OpenTTD itself first, before it gets added to NML. 😃

evepoi commented 1 year ago

Oops. In the game, the train flips back into a barrel when making a turn around the station. (During round trip operation)

I hope it doesn't flip like in reality when going back like the ICE2 train.

<<Locomotive-Passenger Car....Last Car

After arriving at the station, it is a game to keep the above organization as it is.

The desired setting is the setting from the turn station to the back.

>>Locomotive - Passenger Car - Last Car

<< : Forward
>> : reverse
2TallTyler commented 1 year ago

Ah. That's not currently possible in OpenTTD (although lots of people want it to happen) so it can't happen in NML yet. 😃

Brickblock1 commented 1 year ago

It can technically be done (albeit quite hacky) in grf but I don't think adding it as a prop doesn't really make sense with regards to how nml works