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Art Assets & Ogre 3d API, etc #18

Open DoomedNerd opened 8 years ago

DoomedNerd commented 8 years ago

What kind of assets would be good for OTE demos and projects? Right now I'm using MakeHuman, and some model editing programs like Zbrush to make a basic generic 'player model,' as a small art project for OTE community...

Would it be out of the question to discuss porting Ogre 3d into OTE? Ogre has a load of next gen features... A demo on how to do a full game menu GUI in MyGUI (kinda like CEGUI-lite) for Ogre can be found at the 'Ogre VDrift' project page... There is also a GPL Mahjong game one of the main CEGUI programmer dudes designed using CEGUI and Ogre that has a pretty complete demonstration of how to get a game working with a basic menu, besides the nice demos already included with CEGUI... I did a simple Valve style GUI for CEGUI and Ogre for demo if anyone is interested, it's GPL just ask...

BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

we might need a humanoid maybe with simple hands, no toes, and no eyes.

DoomedNerd commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to learn the work flow for Blender '.md5' exporting. I've found some fairly recent tutorial videos from motorsep and others on Youtube, so with any luck, I can get that done soon. You want the skeleton with few joints in the hands and none for toes? That can be arranged. I'm not much of an animator, but I can do some very basic key frame animations.

BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

maybe with the .blend and the base .md5mesh it could suffice, it could be very useful for my tests for the AI scripts.

DoomedNerd commented 8 years ago

Okay, I'm working on figuring out how to properly export md5mesh and md5anim from Blender. Any information or links that you may have on getting an animated model into the engine might help out. All I have is Blender, Gimp, Crazy Bump and Zbrush, though. I'm doing the clothes at the moment. I would like to keep hacking at it and learn the process. Also I'm studying Dark Radiant for map creation... Hope to contribute to your project soon.

EDIT: How will I know to properly align the skeleton to the mesh? Is there a way to export the player marine's assets with skeleton out of D3bfg resources?

kortemik commented 8 years ago

I have done it many times. Are you getting error on the exporter?


On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 5:47 PM, DoomedNerd wrote:

Okay, I'm working on figuring out how to properly export md5mesh and md5anim from Blender. Any information or links that you may have on getting an animated model into the engine might help out. All I have is Blender, Gimp, Crazy Bump and Zbrush, though. I'll do a simple walk cycle, nothing fancy. I'm doing the clothes at the moment. I would like to keep hacking at it and learn the process. Also I'm studying Dark Radiant for map creation... Hope to contribute to your project soon.

On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Biel Bestué de Luna <> wrote:

maybe with the .blend and the base .md5mesh it could suffice, it could be very useful for my tests for the AI scripts.

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DoomedNerd commented 8 years ago

kortemik, thanks. I was getting an one error in Blender because I hadn't setup a skeleton which was required with the exporter I was using. I did get one exporter to spit out a .md5 mesh of a cube with a test texture, but when I loaded it into modelviewer_0.93a, the only thing I could see is the origin point axis - no mesh or texture. The one I'm going to try to get to work next is this one, and it's better documented than that old one I used:

BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

yes Nemyax's exporter is the best of the two

ghost commented 8 years ago

@DoomedNerd I'm also working on a player model for OTE with Blender, however the demo I'm creating has morphed more into a game on it's own. As BielBdeLuna said he could use a basic model for AI scripts, so it would be quite a helpful contribution, as I'm uncertain of when my assets will be complete. If you like CrazyBump and want to try something with PBR support, then you should try AwesomeBump, it's open source and has a fantastic preview system. However there still are some issues with random crashes with Nvidia drivers.