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giving the inputs it's own thread #3

Open BielBdeLuna opened 8 years ago

BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

Nvidia details this as an issue to port Doom3BFG to Andorid in this article:

it seems that the input makes the app to crash when loading a map because the inputs get paused or doesn't keep working and Androd detects it as a crash

maybe we could incorporate Nvidia's solution to the engine?

also in this article it is interesting the reflection on the asset storage: on how it differed in idTechX from idTech4, to store every asset, necessary in a level, packed within the level's pack, therefore there is a lot of repetition of assets. This helped when reading data from an optical disk but in modern flash drives this is no longer necessary.

DanielGibson commented 8 years ago

Nope, on some platforms (and with SDL) the input must be polled in the thread that created the window.

Also: Why incorporate a solution for a problem we don't have?

BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

because we might want to incorporate Android as platform in the future isn't it?

but if you say that SDL already takes charge for this... then it's fine.