OpenTechEngine / Discussions

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Current engine state #40

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

I was checking out this game called Scorn, it's a horror adventure inspired by H.R Gigers art. There is very little footage in the trailers of the game-play, but from what i've seen it looks impressive. I have been playing around with the rendering cvars and consider the capabilities between RBDoom3BFG, OpenTechEngine and Storm Engine 2 to same type of graphics from Scorn. I'm not sure what engine they are using. Here's the link to the game site.

Aah ok missed the UE4 logo at the end of the video.

BielBdeLuna commented 7 years ago

good art makes any engine shine

ghost commented 7 years ago

There is a slight difference between the old rendering methods textures and PBR. Most of my textures are made for PBR output, it looks great in AwesomeBump, but incorrect in IdTech. We'll have to see the results once PBR is implimented in the engine.

BielBdeLuna commented 7 years ago

AwesomeBump? Is this an Unreal Engine term?

How are you making your textures? are you making roughness textures? are you making plain textures for the specular power?

ghost commented 7 years ago

AwesomeBump is an open source texture tool.

They have a github repo as well.

There are options for PBR an traditional, but the differences are visible. It can generate the following from a single diffuse texture: Normal Map Height Map Occlusion Map Specular Map Metallic Map Reflective Map

It took a while to get use too, but a great tool, also has relief, parallax and tesselation preview.

BielBdeLuna commented 7 years ago

ok, seems very interesting!