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Temporary assets #43

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Mario from Xonotic agreed that we can use their assets. It's taking me too long with making OTE assets. So for now i'll be converting Xonotic assets for OTE so we can start testing sooner. Xonotic falls under GPLV2.

kortemik commented 7 years ago

Would you be able to share what you have already created, I think there are couple of people who would want to help!

ghost commented 7 years ago

Not yet, there is still a lot that needs to finished up on what I have, like UV unwraps and texturing for models and animations. Some textures need to be altered or redone as I didn't follow a set colour palette, which makes it look out of place. I can maybe release a set of assets next month, though it might be incomplete in some parts.

BielBdeLuna commented 7 years ago

I'd like to make the scripting, in fact I'm working on the pistol script (making it a generalist script for all gun type of weapons) and I'm incorporating a method for automatic shooting and semi automatic shooting. with ironsight animations, and with other stuff

BielBdeLuna commented 7 years ago

in dhewm3 c++ code that should be really easy to transfer to RBDoom3BFG or OTE code I have a overheat for gun type of weapons, that can be used for all weapons. it's ready to work with even a GUI implementation (of course for old GUIs)

and I have also a c++ implementation of circle of pain like modern shooters where in the middle of the screen you get to know from where you're being shot ( also in old GUI code )

damiel commented 7 years ago

I would love to see ote sport some more assets, it certainly would help me test thing while doing my 3d wizardry.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I plan to release an asset pack at the end of the month, it will contain some textures, maps, models, animations and some sounds.

This will include a reimagined remake of Dooms E1M1 map, a small apartment and a Quake 3 styled map, Player model (busy working on creating a better more modern one), Blaster pistol(shoots plasma rounds), Sledge Hammer(fists, crowbars, chainsaws, katanas, axes already used).

The animations are shoddy and rushed, i'll work on it once the models are in-game or if someone else wants to take on that task they can.

Most sounds Included are generated by VST's, oscillators and Serato DJ.

drequivalent commented 7 years ago

Yetta1, is there any progress on that?

BielBdeLuna commented 7 years ago

I'm working on a md5 player model fully animated in therms of displacement movement, for a mod I'm working on as soon as I finish it I'll upload the results, it will be very useful for implementing the OGEX model format.

drequivalent commented 7 years ago

That's interesting, can't wait to see that

BielBdeLuna commented 7 years ago

I'm reworking all my disks organization at the moment, I just need to finish the shuffle animations for running (side-steps for the run gait) then we should have not only the animations for movement (npc's and player's) but their script done