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Future of gaming on Linux #5

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

I haven't tried SteamOS and not sure as to what changes Valve's team is making to the system, but it leaves me to wonder whether or not they will be using the real-time kernel to focus the system resources on the games.

How long will it take before technologies such as OpenCV, OpenCL, HSA, Vulkan become part of the game development pipeline? Real-time raytraying through OpenCV using OpenCL and HSA to fight bottlenecks could be promising in the future, possibly a step into creating virtual worlds as seen in the Matrix films. Could it reach the ceiling of the uncanny valley?

ghost commented 9 years ago

Found a great kernel that seems to work well with my AMD radeon HD 3200, it's called the liquorix kernel. Gameplay feels smooth however I get some micro-stutters, check it out:

BielBdeLuna commented 9 years ago

real time everything will be possible at this rate

ghost commented 9 years ago

New interaction sensor technology using radar in development, would be great with VR applications. Project Soli:

ghost commented 9 years ago

Another interesting thing to try is using Qemu+kvm+vfio to play windows games on a virtual machine without lag.

DoomedNerd commented 9 years ago

For voice recognition, natural language synthesis, and other voice processing there is the CMU Sphinx which is also able to use OpenCL, and accelerated performance via Cuda and whatever the AMD equivalent is called... has a GPL like license. Holodecks, here we come!

ghost commented 9 years ago

Another language to look out for is Google's Go which has performance close to C++, it also has it's own web server built in from what I've read, so it could be useful for multi-player servers and apparently handles coroutines quite well, which will help with AI.