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Code formating (Continuation) #8

Open Anthony-Gaudino opened 8 years ago

Anthony-Gaudino commented 8 years ago

Sorry for spamming the Issues in OTE!

Thanks @DanielGibson, I was really thinking in installing XFCE, there's some things they made on Gnome 3 that I don't like, and it became much more resource hungry, I like a simple desktop that just works and consume low resources.

@Yetta1 note that Awesome window manager is a Windows Manager and not a desktop environment, so it won't come with many of the softwares and tools that a desktop environment like Cinnamon comes with. If you want a very lightweight environment, I think it would be better to search for another distro that comes pre-configured, one that I liked was CrunchBang, but this project died.

If you want, you can install a window manager and configure everything to your liking (it's Linux :D) but it will take time and requires effort, I know because I messed with this before :)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Actually I was the one that highjacked the previous thread, sorry about that.

@Anthony-Gaudino I know. I had a custom distro of Arch I made a few years ago using the enlightenment DE, only reason I want Awesome is to force myself to use terminals to get better at working on Linux. There is a Crunchbang++ project which is continuing Crunchbang, the Crunchbang devs have moved onto a new distro called Bunsen labs. Anyways i'm going to start a Linux thread instead for discussion and help. Before this one gets flooded.

kortemik commented 8 years ago

I use WindowMaker, before that I was very keen on dwm and after that xmonad but they both were tiling and nowadays tiling is not that fun with multiple desktops where virtual machines run and roll so I went back to WM. Sawfish from the old gnome is ok too.

Anthony-Gaudino commented 8 years ago

I have formatted two files of each project (OTE and RBDOOM 3), you can see them here: and check if it's looking OK.