OpenTechEngine / Discussions

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Linux discussion and support. #9

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Creating this for any future issues on Linux, discussions, tips & tricks etc.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Problem building with correct directory.

/home/tiaan/Documents/OpenTechBFG/libs/cegui/CEGUI.git/cegui/include/CEGUI/FreeTypeFont.h:36:22: fatal error: ft2build.h: No such file or directory
 #include <ft2build.h>
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [libs/cegui/CEGUI.git/cegui/src/CMakeFiles/CEGUIBase-0.dir/FontManager.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/tiaan/Documents/OpenTechBFG/build'
make[1]: *** [libs/cegui/CEGUI.git/cegui/src/CMakeFiles/CEGUIBase-0.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tiaan/Documents/OpenTechBFG/build'
make: *** [all] Error 2

00:19:16 Build Finished (took 3m:45s.344ms)
ghost commented 8 years ago

Ran Doom3 through terminal using DRI_PRIME=1 ./doom.x86 from the idsoftware linux build. Getting fluctuations of 15-30 fps at 1280x800 and 15-60fps at 640x480. The fps seems to be at an average of 20.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Tried running OpenTechEngine using DRI_PRIME=1, usually the build crashes on startup, after issuing the DRI command the terminal outputs the engine startup, the error created is as follows:

ERROR: GL_ARB_texture_compression or GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc not available.

May be possible that it needs a rebuild, but currently I still receive the build error as previously listed.

kortemik commented 8 years ago

there is propably s3tc package on your distro which can patch you over that but I think you will have more missing features after.

It's still worth to try that pkg. On Aug 12, 2015 5:22 AM, "Yetta1" wrote:

Tried running OpenTechEngine using DRI_PRIME=1, usually the build crashes on startup, after issuing the DRI command the terminal outputs the engine startup, the error created is as follows:

ERROR: GL_ARB_texture_compression or GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc not available.

May be possible that it needs a rebuild, but currently I still receive the build error as previously listed.

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BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

have you tried "+set r_useOpenGL32 0" ? this error seems to be due the driver not reaching OpenGL32 in compatibility context ( OpenGL now has compat and core contexts) most mes drivers reach core context to the OpenGL version they announce but some of them they don't reach compat context to the OpenGL version they announce, compat include more OpenGL extensions in a well defines list of extensions separated by versions of OpenGL,

there is also a lists of OpenGL extensions that remain external to any OpenGL version: you can check it out here:

keep in mind this lists only gets updated with the released Mesa drivers not the in development version which at the moment they are much further advanced

for those you can check:

i hope this info was useful

ghost commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the advice guys, it seems to be a driver issue with Radeon, the same error message appears on other games being run through Wine as well, like Counter-Strike Source. I know this card has at least OpenGL 3.3 so it should work.

Just need to play around with different drivers and xorg configs as I would also like some better performance.

Vanilla Doom 3 gets at least 40-60fps on Windows with this laptop, I've had good fps on Arch Linux in the past with games running through Wine, in some cases better fps than Windows. Only problem is building a new Arch distro again as I've lost my old one long ago, too lazy for it.

I'll share the package configuration once I get a satisfied result, it may help in the future for others using OTE.

BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

it seems like a core vs compat issue in the graphics drivers probable the OpenGL extensions are from compat, or even out in the misc section, and the drivers only have core OpenGL level. the drivers only announce the OpenGL level if they have all the necessary extensions for the profile they are required to use, so the Hardware might be able to render using the profile or the version of OpenGL, even Mesa might be able to render that profile or that level, but the driver for the hardware might lack the code for reaching that level of OpenGL in that profile.

mid september Mesa 11.0 will come out with OpenGL 4.2 level at Mesa (even OpenGL 4.3) but drivers within might go as high as OpenGL4.1 only, that's reasonably high enough for idTechX but it shows the difference between Mesa and the drivers within.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@BielBdeLuna The mesa link you gave points to the oibaf gallium drivers which I have installed. I think it may be possible that there is a problem between the gallium drivers, the newer kernel i'm using and the Linux Mint's repositories containing older packages.

I'm still having problems building a working release of OTE with Eclipse, instant crashes. Still I have been able to run Nexuiz classic and Doom 3 with slow framerates with the gallium drivers and Darkradiant is running smoothly, in some cases smoother viewport draws compared to Windows.