OpenTechEngine / OpenTechBFG

Engine based on (RB) Doom 3 BFG aiming to allow the creation of standalone games
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DarkRadiant entity issue #75

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if it's the OTE binary i'm using or Dark Radiant, but i'm getting an issue where I can't create player_info, lights or any other entity. It works however when I use the Doom 3 binary. I'm using the OTE binary Kortemik uploaded a few days ago OpenTechEngine-1439504117. Maybe I should download a earlier build.

The errors look somethign like this:

Unable to create entity info_player_start, no brushes selected.

Even with a brush create it won't change it.

DanielGibson commented 8 years ago

can you give us a map that doesn't work?

does it work with original doom3bfg or rbdoom3bfg?

I don't think we changed any code that should break entities.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@DanielGibson BFG also doesn't work for both versions. I suspect Windows 10 may be the culprit, as i've uninstalled radiant, cleaned the registry keys related to it and tested two versions which both give the same messages. Just tested radiant on lubuntu, it's working fine on there.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Seems DR only works with the Doom 3 binary, not sure why BFG, RB and OTE won't work.

DanielGibson commented 8 years ago

I don't see why DR should even care about the binary. It's supposed to parse the entity and material definitions an create map files - all this is possible without ever calling the binary (as long as you call dmap in the game yourself).

ghost commented 8 years ago

I also don't get it, if I try a binary from another engine, it won't load the materials from the other one, so it seems it is dependant on the engine binary within the folder containing all the assets. What I don't understand is how it has worked for the past month and suddenly stopped working with the bfg variant, I haven't changed anything other than the update to Windows 10. For now i'll use Doom 3's binary as it's not giving any errors.

It's quite frustrating as I keep getting set backs from weird glitches when saving, ruining the map, or updating github and having all assets contents suddenly deleted from the base folder. I've had to restart the map four times already and now work with a directory seperate from the github folder and have two seperate backup folders in case something goes wrong.

BielBdeLuna commented 8 years ago

you need pk4 with d3 content to open DR and specify a mod or base folder, without them you can't really use DR

you could zip OTE current assets and rename the file extension as pk4 and then select that pk4 file from DR