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Rands’s books. #6

Closed janl closed 12 years ago

janl commented 12 years ago

sjockers commented 12 years ago

Thanks Jan, sounds very interesting. Not having read those myself, how would you categorize them?

Do you think they would fit in one of the following lists?

Hackers, Makers, and Open Source Startup Culture Programming in General

janl commented 12 years ago

Essential Must Read.

The books are looking at programming as a profession and guide you through the workplace. Most of which applies to, say, open source projects. They are both invaluable.

sjockers commented 12 years ago

Okay, scrap that last comment. That was really late last night.

sjockers commented 12 years ago

For now, I've added the books to the opensource list. Maybe it's a good idea to create a separate list of "career advice" books.