OpenTechSchool / bookshelf

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What about books written in [enter your mother tongue here]? #7

Closed sjockers closed 11 years ago

sjockers commented 11 years ago

For now, all books mentioned on the lists are in English. That's probably the case with most "canonical" books on programming, software development, or related topics.

How do we deal with books that are only available in say, French, Swedish, or German?

And how do we deal with the fact that some books are already available through ZLB but only in the German translation? (also see #5: "Some books already available")

sjockers commented 11 years ago

To answer my own question:

In my opinion, on the list we should state if a certain book is also available in languages other than English. Ideally, ZLB should have both the English and the German version of the books on our list (if available).

Any thoughts on this?

beatricemartini commented 11 years ago

I agree, ideally ZLB should have (first of all) the English version and if possible/ available the German, too. Not saying this because I'm not a German native speaker, but because I'd say that learning to program in English makes your programming work on the long run way more manageable (no lost-in-translation issues).

sjockers commented 11 years ago

I talked to our contact at ZLB about this. She said they usually focus on books in German, but for canonical books, and books from publishers like O'Reilly, etc. she will try to get the English version (and the German translation if available).