OpenTechSchool / html-css-beginners

A friendly, afternoon introduction to html and css.
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Improving the workshop: Coaches Notes #14

Open gsambrotta opened 10 years ago

gsambrotta commented 10 years ago
mbesser commented 10 years ago
Don't call the div #page-title. People confuse it with actual title in the head.

We could use no IDs at all. Only classes. Keep it as simple as possible and introduce best practices in the very beginning of their learning :grin: (disclaimer: i'm not dogmatic in the id-vs-class issue, i just think there is no need to use an ID in that case)

projectgus commented 10 years ago

Thanks @gsambrotta & @mbesser. Really appreciate getting feedback from what worked and didn't work in the workshop sessions. :)

I've had a go at addressing most of the things you mention. Remaining are:

"People have problem to understand the fluid nature (width in %) of the portfolio template. < section > jumps below the < aside > when the browser window is to narrow"

Haven't gotten to the portfolio chapters yet (someone else may have the time!)

Also haven't gotten to @mbesser's comment on ids vs classes. I fundamentally agree, but classes & ids aren't really introduced until the first portfolio chapter. I think this would probably be the best place to explain why you'd want to preference classes over IDs (better there than in the opening chapter when id="first-heading" - formerly #page-title - is just a simple example of an HTML attribute, before we've talked about CSS at all.)

Will be interested to hear what the others think as well. Thanks again for the feedback.
