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Initialize localization #4

Open autarc opened 10 years ago

mbesser commented 10 years ago

Forked your (@Autarc) original PR and made a PR on it myself. There are some suggestions for improvement included. In order to make it work, you have to merge it into your PR, right? My github forking experience was close to non-existent until yesterday ;)

thatbettina commented 10 years ago

Hi there. I'm a little confused: What is the best way to proofread what @Autarc wrote? Fork it and do a PR on it? Use Sphinx? (If so, how?) Do in-line comments?

Ivoz commented 10 years ago


What is the best way to proofread what @Autarc wrote?

Probably checkout his fork, and read the pages he has created under locales/DE/*

Fork it and do a PR on it?

Exactamundo, like mbesser has done.

Use Sphinx? (If so, how?)

We would need to set up a Sphinx project and translate the files into ReStructuredText, as well as possibly create an appropriate theme. I'm thinking about setting something like this up as a future goal. At the moment, you can check out the [python-beginners]() repo for an example of a Sphinx tutorial we've done which has some translations. I'm still trying to get the translation process streamlined.


Not sure why you added locales/EN/* when that is the source material? Won't this only lead to duplication? I'm wondering what your intent was here.

autarc commented 10 years ago


The idea was to have an extensible structure - which currently contains just english & german translations but could later include other languages as well. Since were running out of time I kept the original file structure for the online page as well, although for maintenance it will be better with the seperated locales.

lehmannro commented 10 years ago

I'll try to rephrase my warning: If you were to ever start a localized version of the material, do NOT duplicate the whole material. If the English source material ever changes, translators for other languages need to keep track of these changes and apply them to all localized versions as well. This is a recipe for on-going hassle.

If you were to ever start a localized version, better migrate the whole curriculum to something which has gettext-style translation support built-in. Sphinx is one solution; I'm sure there are others.