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Deploy changes to gh-pages? #42

Open bastianalbers opened 10 years ago

bastianalbers commented 10 years ago

I got all the dependencies set up correctly and sphinx correctly builds all pages into the build folder. But i'm lost as how to push changes back to the gh-pages branch. I guess if i want to test it with my fork, i'll have to change the to use my fork instead of this repo. But how do i get the changes to that branch?

If you look at the last merge you did to the sphinx branch for example, the change doesn't show up at in the "Images" section.

"invoke serve" just gives me a message: "No idea what 'serve' is!" "invoke setup" runs but i don't understand what it does. I'm running Os X 10.9.3 btw.

Can you help with any of these problems / make the Authors guide more explicit?

bastianalbers commented 10 years ago

(i think the whole sphinx setup is pretty good and you did a great job, but i think we need to lower the barrier to contribute)

Ivoz commented 10 years ago

But i'm lost as how to push changes back to the gh-pages branch

Since you have commit access to the repo, you should be able to run invoke setup and thereafter the build/html folder will be checked out to the gh-pages branch (check with git branch) so you can just run git add . / git commit / git push and new changes would get published. The changes should all be done by doing a sphinx build.

I guess if i want to test it with my fork, i'll have to change the to use my fork instead of this repo.

Since you have commit access you can use OTS repo' branch if you wish, or I added a parameter to the setup task, so you could run invoke setup --owner=bastianalbers and it will try to clone gh-pages branch of your own repo.

If you look at the last merge you did to the sphinx branch for example, the change doesn't show up at in the "Images" section.

I may not have pushed that to the gh-pages repo yet.

"invoke serve" just gives me a message: "No idea what 'serve' is!"

I am sorry about that, I think I missed a decorator in the file. ad76c30559599fd1 should fix that, so now invoke serve will actually do something. You can see all tasks with invoke --list.

I agree it's hard! Writing good instructions out when I am one with knowledge, yet I need to figure out which pertinent knowledge people won't have that most needs to be said to aid them. I can always improve that. Sorry that the mistake with wasted some of your time.

If you can list what you think is missing or would've helped you after I have fixed mistake maybe I can amend the readme to be more helpful. Other eyes providing advice on the problem always help.