OpenTechSchool / website-relaunch

🚀 🖥 Rebuilding the website
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Implement home page structure #22

Open gsambrotta opened 7 years ago

gsambrotta commented 7 years ago

We will redesign entirly our home page. On this ticket please implement just the main structure of the home page, so that each section can be filled separately later on.

Here is the mockup of the homepage. The idea is taken a lot from, so if anything is not clear, please refer to that website. If any other information is missing, feel free to fill gaps how you feel make more sense. In order to be merged, this ticket will require at least 2 +1 from the community.

Also for the footer just build the space for it. It will then develop in another ticket.


gsambrotta commented 7 years ago

@gnunicorn @xMartin and whoelse is interested, can you please give a look at the mockup of the homepage and give feedbacks? Use little imagination merged to layout :) Keep in mind that all the text content is just a placeholder! (Thanks Ben for the link/idea!)

gnunicorn commented 7 years ago

Oh, @gsambrotta that looks really great! I like it.




xMartin commented 7 years ago

First of all, I like it, too! :)

Sticky menu, animations: I don't think these are really needed for the layout/interaction concept so we should not make them part of the specification. Let's get done with a simple "nüchtern" version, first. Numbers also don't have to count up.

Order of sections: I propose the following order:

  1. Numbers
  2. Upcoming events
  3. Get in touch
  4. Discussion (+ OpenTechSchool tweets maybe)

and no "Become a member". Homepage space is precious and I don't see this so important.

gsambrotta commented 7 years ago

@xmartin how can be "become a memeber" not important?? Is the way how me make people be more interested and feel more part of OTS. IF we don't take care that part more, we will mostly get turn over people and not so many willing to be core part of OTS