OpenTechSchool / website-relaunch

🚀 🖥 Rebuilding the website
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Website relaunch status #42

Open Twissi opened 4 years ago

Twissi commented 4 years ago

Hello @gsambrotta @gnunicorn @xMartin @Gushsd ! The OTS Leipzig team would love to update the look and feel of the current website to be more modern and fresh. Since you started the website relaunch project I'd like to know what the current status of the project is. Are you still planning to move forward with this work? How much work is left before it can go live? I'd love to hear from you!

xMartin commented 4 years ago

Hi @Twissi ! Great to hear you want to contribute 💙

We have been working quite a lot and also quite unsuccessfully (I'd say) in the relaunch project. I'm not convinced it's in a good state compared to the current one. Maybe it's a better idea to reafctor and face-lift opentechschool/ instead in an iterative process.

I'd like to hear @gsambrotta 's point of view as she was the most active one in the relaunch project.

And what is your impression @Twissi ? How would you like to approach it?

gsambrotta commented 4 years ago

Hi @Twissi! I'm very happy to hear someone has time and energy to spend on this project.

I think Martin sum up pretty well what happened with the relaunch attempt. I don't think make so much sense to take back what we start to work on.. we encounter different environment error (people with Linux couldn't start the website and similar) and there is not so much code to worth the pain of fixing it, imho!

It happen to me to have some free time now and exactly this week i was thinking about working again on this project. Maybe because i'm currently very motivated but i had the crazy idea of starting everything again with an easier and more familiar technology. But now that you write this post, i think make much more sense to collaborate with you guys and come up with something smart and collaborative. If you are up to.

@Twissi i would like to know what are your and your team ideas and commitment on this. Commitment is a scary word, i know, what i try to understand is if you guys have in mind some quick work to revamp the look and the information or you are willing to spend good amount of time to put a new website live. In the first case, i would say @xMartin suggestion makes sense: Let's improve and update current website. We should have lot of open issues for it. If you instead are open and willing to spend more time and energy on something new, i think we should have a chat :)

The problem with the current website is mostly the structure and the UX. Is very confusing and has a lot of outdated information.

What we can save from the previous attempt of revamp the ots website is:

Twissi commented 4 years ago

Dear @gsambrotta, I feel really bad about not getting back to earlier. I am so sorry.

I agree that the current website is confusing and has a lot of outdated information. I think if we can clean the site up and update the look and feel it would improve a lot.

Do you have time to chat beginning of the new year? I'd love to hear more details about how you want to approach the project and how we want to organize the efforts.