OpenTermsArchive / contribution-tool

[prototype] Interactively declare services to be tracked in Open Terms Archive
European Union Public License 1.2
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Add GitLab compatibility for saving data to repository #168

Closed fabianospinelli closed 3 weeks ago

fabianospinelli commented 6 months ago

As previously anticipated, we needed to use the GitLab platform instead of GitHub, which was already present in the Contribution-Tool application. Therefore, a number of changes were made in the code by adding a module that allows using the GitLab API. A number of variables were added in the .env file that allow projects/repositories to be configured on any GitLab compatible platform/url. The code has been fully tested several times (below is a list of the tests performed) and we submit it to you to verify or receive suggestions: it is clear that our need was to have such functionality as quickly as possible for this reason we tried to modify the application minimally.

Here the list of tests we made to verify that everything works fine with the application:



We remain available for any clarification.

Thanks, Fabiano