OpenTermsArchive / pga-declarations

Declarations of terms of major social media platforms. Maintained by the Platform Governance Archive team, University of Bremen.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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`Twitch` ‧ `Community Guidelines` ‧ not tracked anymore #296

Open OTA-Bot opened 7 months ago

OTA-Bot commented 7 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 18 April 2024 at 12:40:07 UTC

The source documents have not been recorded in snapshots, thus no version can be extracted.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


OTA-Bot commented 6 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 26 May 2024 at 18:35:42 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


OTA-Bot commented 6 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 27 May 2024 at 0:38:33 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


OTA-Bot commented 5 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 4 July 2024 at 0:35:44 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


OTA-Bot commented 5 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 4 July 2024 at 12:36:07 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


OTA-Bot commented 4 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 1 August 2024 at 0:35:46 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


OTA-Bot commented 4 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 1 August 2024 at 12:35:28 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


smmkolesnikov commented 3 months ago

Fixed here:

OTA-Bot commented 3 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 26 August 2024 at 0:36:08 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


OTA-Bot commented 3 months ago

No version of the Community Guidelines of service Twitch is recorded anymore since 26 August 2024 at 12:36:25 UTC

The source documents have been recorded in snapshots, but no version can be extracted. After correction, it might still be possible to recover the missed versions.

What went wrong

How to resume tracking

First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:

If the source documents are accessible through a web browser

Edit the declaration:

If the source documents are not accessible anymore

If none of the above works

If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.


smmkolesnikov commented 3 months ago

Fixed here:

smmkolesnikov commented 3 months ago

Hi @OpenTermsArchive/core! Need your assistance with this one.

Just learned that the engine didn't record any snapshots of any of the Twitch policies for 1-2 weeks. The links are valid, locally I also managed to record shapshots as usual. This is some sort of issue I didn't see before. What could be causing it?

clementbiron commented 2 months ago

You're right, the last snapshot of the Twitch Community Guidelines was recorded on 26 August. I've also managed to record snapshots locally so for some reason the documents aren't accessible from the PGA server (Fetch failed: Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded). @MattiSG do you have any ideas or other explanations?

smmkolesnikov commented 1 month ago

Hi @OpenTermsArchive/core! Are there any news on the timeout issues that we registered in Twitch, X and Reddit CGs?

MattiSG commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately I don't have any better idea than thinking your server has been blocked by the service providers 😕 you might regain tracking by changing your outgoing IP address.