If the source documents are not accessible anymore
If the source documents have moved, find their new location and update it.
If these terms have been removed, move them from the declaration to its history file, using 2024-10-21T12:56:01Z as the validUntil value.
If the service has closed, move the entire contents of the declaration to its history file, using 2024-10-21T12:56:01Z as the validUntil value.
If none of the above works
If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.
No version of the
Privacy Policy
of servicepixiv
is recorded anymore since 21 October 2024 at 12:56:01 UTCThe source document has not been recorded in a snapshot, thus no version can be extracted.
What went wrong
How to resume tracking
First of all, check if the source documents are accessible through a web browser:
If the source documents are accessible through a web browser
Edit the declaration:
If the source documents are not accessible anymore
as thevalidUntil
as thevalidUntil
value.If none of the above works
If the source documents are accessible in a browser but fetching them always fails from the Open Terms Archive server, this is most likely because the service provider has blocked the Open Terms Archive robots from accessing its content. In this case, updating the declaration will not enable resuming tracking. Only an agreement with the service provider, an engine upgrade, or some technical workarounds provided by the administrator of this collection’s server might resume tracking.