OpenTimelineIO / raven

Raven - OpenTimelineIO Viewer Application
Apache License 2.0
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Enable/disable clips #19

Open jminor opened 10 months ago

jminor commented 10 months ago



Feature Request:

Stretch goal:

Estimated Difficulty:

rjwignar commented 7 months ago

I'd like to take on this task

jminor commented 7 months ago

Thanks @rjwignar ! Let us know if you need any advice along the way.

rjwignar commented 7 months ago

For now, I've been able to extend the DrawItem() method inside timeline.cpp to gray out disabled items. The color change seems to only apply to disabled Clips though, and not disabled Tracks.

Do you know of a way to add a functional checkbox to the Inspector module while keeping the Item::_enable data member private? I tried using the _enabled accessor methods (Item::enabled() and Item::set_enabled) to somehow pass a reference of a Item::_enable to ImGui::Checkbox() but couldn't figure it out.

For now I've added the draft Pull Request above with more information.