OpenTouryoProject / OpenTouryo

”Open棟梁”は、長年の.NETアプリケーション開発実績にて蓄積したノウハウに基づき開発した.NET用アプリケーション フレームワークです。 (”OpenTouryo” , is an application framework for .NET which was developed using the accumulated know-how with a long track record in .NET application development.)
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To merge the changes ( - Until December 18) #117

Closed daisukenishino closed 8 years ago

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


Timing of the release has been imminent.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

Additional requirement

Before the merge work, please change file's encoding to UTF-8 from Shift_JIS in accordance with the this contents.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago

@daisukenishino Please share the tool if any for converting file's encoding to UTF-8 from Shift_JIS. we will take this task into next sprint please let us know.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


We use Sakura editor. but, I think that it can also do by "%windir%\system32\notepad.exe".

The merge work will require a lot of time. To complete the release work in this year, I think that it is better to start merge work from the next sprint.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago

@daisukenishino We started merge work. Please let us know from which repositories in GitHub we have to pull the code for latest code changes.

please change file's encoding to UTF-8 from Shift_JIS in accordance with the this contents.

we are using UTF-8 with signature encoding. as per the website

is this ok?

Please confirm.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


we added new class 'MyApsBaseLogic' for AsyncProcessingService in OpenTouryo\root\programs\C#\Frameworks\Infrastructure\Business\Business\MyApsBaseLogic.cs

shall we added this class into root_easysetup folder?

Please let us know.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


we changed the messages in the resource file 'OpenTouryo\root_easysetup\programs\C#\Frameworks\Tools\DPQuery_Tool\Resources\Resource.resx'

<data name="STATUS_MSL_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>I generated a MySQL Connector / NET.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_ODB_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>I generated a ODBC.NET.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_ODP_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>I generated a ODP.NET.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_OLE_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>I generated a OLEDB.NET.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_PGS_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>I generated a PostgreSQL Npgsql.</value>
<data name="STATUS_MSL_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value> MySQL Connector was generated / NET.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_ODB_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>ODBC.NET was generated.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_ODP_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>ODP.NET was generated.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_OLE_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>OLEDB.NET was generated.</value>
  <data name="STATUS_PGS_CREATED" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>PostgreSQL Npgsql was generated.</value>

These messages not present in 'OpenTouryo\root\programs\C#\Frameworks\Tools\DPQuery_Tool\Resources\Resource.resx'

Please confirm.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


Please unified with BOM.

Because It can be read that the UTF-8 files with BOM is better from the information on the Web site. But, Currently, Visual Studio correctly recognize the character code of most of the existing files without BOM.

Please add the file. The merge work also include adding or removing work of the file.


I confirmed 2 files's difference by comparison. This difference occurred by deletion of "UI improvement" task.

I think that it can merge if there is no problem in the "UI improvement" task.

Is there a problem with the "UI improvement" task ? If there is a problem, problem is propagated by merge the code that has the problem.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


Visual Studio correctly recognize the character code of most of the existing files without BOM

Yes, but user can exclude this by using the Menu options in the Visual studio for this reason, we used BOM encoding

Please add the file. The merge work also include adding or removing work of the file.

Sure, we will add this file

Is there a problem with the "UI improvement" task ?

we will discuss with the team and merge the changes if there is no problem.

Thank for your indications.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


for this reason, we used BOM encoding

I see. Please let views on correspondence to existing files without BOM.

If it need correspondence of add BOM, please consider such as the corresponding period and, tools that is required for this correspondence.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


Please let views on correspondence to existing files without BOM.

some of the existing files in OpenTouryo is having BOM. We already converted all the encoding of existing files to BOM shall we change it to without BOM. Please let us know.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


some of the existing files in OpenTouryo is having BOM. We already converted all the encoding of existing files to BOM

If such a thing, in this time, please convert file with BOM. In the future, convert to file with BOM from file without BOM.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago

@daisukenishino Sure, we will do so

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


we will discuss with the team and merge the changes if there is no problem.

Please notify the presence or absence of the problem as a result of the confirmation. I reminded that some of the problems was discovered in previous merge operation. For this reason, I also scheduled to confirm of the difference between the root and the root_easysetup.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago

@daisukenishino Please add the file.

Does OpenTouryo\root_easysetup supports multiple db?

<Reference Include="DamDB2">
<Reference Include="DamMySQL">
<Reference Include="DamOraOdp">
<Reference Include="DamPstGrS">
<Reference Include="IBM.Data.DB2">
<Reference Include="Ionic.Zip">
<Reference Include="log4net">

But in 'OpenTouryo\root\programs\C#\Frameworks\Infrastructure\Business\Business\MyApsBaseLogic.cs' supports multiple db

we added this class in OpenTouryo\root_easysetup is this ok?

Please confirm

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


MyApsBaseLogic is added, after it has been corrected in the same way as MyBaseLogic.

Compare the following differences.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


In 'OpenTouryo\root_easysetup', project file 'DPQuery_Tool.csproj' is having reference to 'demo.txt' file. Whereas, In 'OpenTouryo\root', project file 'DPQuery_Tool.csproj' is not having reference to 'demo.txt' file. Do we need to keep this file in project file 'DPQuery_Tool.csproj ?

Please confirm.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


"demo.txt" file was added by the previous commit.

This is incorrect. Please correct.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


We did the changes as in the root_easysetup > MyBaseLogic.cs

We removed "demo.txt" file reference in Project file

Thank you for the confirmation

SandeepNayak077 commented 8 years ago


The manual transaction controls was missing in root_easysetup. Do we need to add? Please confirm.

Shall we also improve build system? By adding the batch file to build portable class library. Please confirm.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


The following is the answer.

The manual transaction controls was missing in root_easysetup. Do we need to add?

No, you do not need to merge these files.

This is unnecessary in root_easysetup that is not have multiple data providers, because it is a module to test the multiple data providers.

Shall we also improve build system? By adding the batch file to build portable class library.

Yes, please. Improvement should be merged.

SandeepNayak077 commented 8 years ago


Thank you for the confirmation. We will proceed as described in the above comment.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago

@daisukenishino Is there a problem with the "UI improvement" task ?

There is no problem with the "UI improvement" task We tested DPQuery_Tool after merge, it is working as expected.


SandeepNayak077 commented 8 years ago


Improvement of build system contains the following modification:

Please confirm and let us know.

SandeepNayak077 commented 8 years ago


Thank you for support regarding the above comment. We will do so.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


It is not the appropriate answer as "it is tested.".

I confirmed the changes because worried. The result, STATUS_XXX_CREATED was converted to the STATUS_DATA_PROVIDER_SELECTED and Literal.DAP_SQL.

((ToolStripStatusLabel)this.statBar.Items[0]).Text = this.RM_GetString("STATUS_XXX_CREATED");
((ToolStripStatusLabel)this.statBar.Items[0]).Text = string.Format(this.RM_GetString("STATUS_DATA_PROVIDER_SELECTED"), Literal.DAP_SQL);

Therefor, I think that STATUS_XXX_CREATED was removed from here.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


Therefor, I think that STATUS_XXX_CREATED was removed from here. Yes, In the task 'Improved the UI of DPQuery_Tool', we removed in pull request

Reason: we optimized all the messages 'STATUS_XXX_CREATED' with single resource key 'STATUS_DATA_PROVIDER_SELECTED' and Literal.DAP_XXX.

Is this problem?

If this is problem, we will change it to old version. Please let us know.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

@kishoreandukuri Is this problem?

There is no problem for fix of Form1 and Resource.resx, However, there is a problem in your confirmation and explanation. Because it is originally your question, and I spend a lot of time.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


There is no problem for fix of Form1 and Resource.resx,


However, there is a problem in your confirmation and explanation.

If you don't understand the question, please ask me instead of spending time in understanding I will explain you clearly. For confirmation, I asked the question. Next time, I will explain clearly to make you understand.

Because it is originally your question, and I spend a lot of time.

Sorry for the inconvenience

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago

@daisukenishino Please review the pull requests related to merge work sent by us. once you confirm the changes, we will start merge from root_easysetup to root_2010 We are planning to complete the merge work before December 10

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


well noted regards.

Reviews can not be sufficiently performed.

When you do not generate feature-branch from the original-branch, When you generate a feature-branch from feature-branch in the working, the "files changed" will be appended.

For this reason, it is not possible to confirm the change of units of each pullrequest before merge. it is possible to confirm the change of units of each pullrequest after merge.

For example, see here.

But, the merge will be performed sequentially.

Because good solution does not have been come up at the moment.

Therefor, I will check all of the merge tasks,

This check will use the diff that is gotten from winmerge.

The contents of the check.

When I find a problem, then will use information of the "closed pullrequest" as history.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

About the SQL and XML files that is converted UTF-8.

FxSqlEncoding value of app.config have also been changed.



It will be needed that to change the encoding of existing SQL and XML files.


It is forgotten to change the specification of the encoding attribute to UTF-8 to some of the XML file.


If you change the default value to UTF-8, you must also change the default encoding of SQL and XML file that is generated by tool to UTF-8.


Because DPQuery_Tool are using FxSqlEncoding value of app.config, there is no problem if you change this.


Probably it can be specified by the combo box. Please check the default value of the combo box.

Please check.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago



It is forgotten to change the specification of the encoding attribute to UTF-8 to some of the XML file.

We have done these changes in the pull request please merge these changes into nishino branch. we will pull from nishino branch and merge these changes


If you change the default value to UTF-8, you must also change the default encoding of SQL and XML file that is generated by tool to UTF-8.

Yes, already the default encoding is UTF-8.

DPQuery_Tool Because DPQuery_Tool are using FxSqlEncoding value of app.config, there is no problem if you change this.

Yes, we also checked there is no problem since FxSqlEncoding value is reading from app.config.

DaoGen_Tool Probably it can be specified by the combo box. Please check the default value of the combo box.

We checked the default value of the combo box. it is in UTF-8 encoding. We also checked the generated files, by default the generated files are in UTF-8 encoding. Since the default value of the combo box is UTF-8.


daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

I checked modifications that between 01-70 version and the latest version (will be 01-71 version) of the root folder.

@SandeepNayak077 The following two problems were confirmed.

there are missing files

Please check there is no problem.

Improvement of the build system

Among these modifications, modifications that except the Nuget correspondence must have been reflected to the root folder. After a review, it had not been changed only root_VS2015 folder. I want you to add the modifications except the Nuget correspondence. I think that I want you to add the modifications except the Nuget correspondence.

SandeepNayak077 commented 8 years ago


The missing files

We have intentionally deleted the above mentioned file, Because, those files are unnecessary as per our investigation and testing. Hence, we are sure about that this is not a problem. Please let us know.

Improvement of the build system

We have already completed the Improvement of build system in root and root_easysetup with this pull request #76, and it has already been merged in the nishino branch of SymphonyTeleca/OpenTouryo.

The pending activity in this task is the @yusukemaegawa 's pointed out. We will complete this in between the merge activity.

Please let us know, if anything else is missing in this task.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


The missing files

We have intentionally deleted the above mentioned file, Because, those files are unnecessary as per our investigation and testing.

Please tell me this circumstances because I had forgotten this circumstances.

Improvement of the build system

We have already completed the Improvement of build system in root and root_easysetup with this pull request #76, and it has already been merged in the nishino branch of SymphonyTeleca/OpenTouryo.

I see. I had forgotten sending the pullrequest from "stc/otr/nishi repo" to "otrp/otr/dev repo". The time being, I will check using the "stc/otr/nishi repo".

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


The time being, I will check using the "stc/otr/nishi repo".

I confirmed that the improvement of build system is already completed at the root folder.

SandeepNayak077 commented 8 years ago


Thank you for the confirmation of 'Improvement of build system' task.

Please tell me this circumstances because I had forgotten this circumstances.

As per the new specification, We have replaced old files (i.e. Incorrect query files) with the following new files:

(1) To select an AsyncTask from the database

Old file:

New file:

(2) To update the status of selected AsyncTask based on the output of UserProgram, and also to update the progress of AsyncTask.

Old file:

New file:

We forgot to delete the old files, While testing in merge task we found that these files are unnecessary. Please let us know.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


We forgot to delete the old files, While testing in merge task we found that these files are unnecessary.

Thank you for reporting to me. I'm leaving for the day. Now, I am performing a review of the procedure document of the Single IDP.

SandeepNayak077 commented 8 years ago


Your welcome. Thank for the replay.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

Information about the existing differences

I have investigated the current (ver 01-70) difference. Do not merge because followings have a difference. This information can be used to check the merged work.

ver 01-70

between the root and the root_easysetup

This is due to the reduced data provider.

Assembly files info

Data provider was reduced.

MyBaseLogic.UOC_ConnectionOpen method

Data provider was reduced.

connectionStrings section in the *.config file

Data provider was reduced.

    <!-- Oracle / ODP.NET用 -->
    <add name="ConnectionString_ODP1" connectionString="User Id=SCOTT;Password=TIGER;Data Source=orcl;"/>
    <!-- Oracle / ODP.NET(Instant Client)用 -->
    <add name="ConnectionString_ODP2" connectionString="User Id=SCOTT;Password=TIGER;Data Source=localhost/XE;"/>
    <!-- DB2 / DB2.NET用 -->
    <add name="ConnectionString_DB2" connectionString="Server=;Database=SAMPLE;User ID=db2admin;Password=seigi@123"/>
    <!-- HiRDB / HiRDBデータプロバイダ用 -->
    <add name="ConnectionString_HIR" connectionString="DataSource=C:\\Windows\\HiRDB.ini;UID=APPUSER;PWD=STDDB;"/>
    <!-- MySQL / MySQL Connector/NET用 -->
    <add name="ConnectionString_MCN" connectionString="Server=;Database=test;User Id=root;Password=seigi@123"/>
    <!-- PostgreSQL / Npgsql用 -->
    <add name="ConnectionString_NPS" connectionString="HOST=;DATABASE=postgres;USER ID=postgres;PASSWORD=seigi@123;"/>

DB tools

Test code of function

Transaction control function.

*.Designer.cs or .vb

The difference in the code that is generated by the designer tool.

e.g. :

// <auto-generated>
//     このコードはツールによって生成されました。
//     ランタイム バージョン:4.0.30319.34209

between the root_easysetup and the root_2010


web.config file have a difference.

Do not merge because following sections have a difference.

WFP tool kit

Do not use the WFP tool kit in VS2010(.NET4).


JQGridJson features have been added to the root_VS2010.

Test code

test code does not exist in the root_VS2010.

between the root_2010 and the root_2012

Build tool


web.config file have a difference.

Do not merge because following sections have a difference.


ASP.NET MVC features have been added to the root_VS2012.

WinStore sample

between the root_2012 and the root_2013

Build tool


web.config file have a difference.

Do not merge because following sections have a difference.


Azure sample have been added to the root_VS2013.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

Pointed out of after the merge

Between the root and the root_easysetup

Leakage of merge





Unnecessary merge

Else pointed out

Between the root_easysetup and the root_2010

Leakage of merge

Unnecessary merge

Else pointed out


\root\programs\C# or VB\Samples\AsyncSvc_sample\TestAsyncSvc_Sample\app.config is not merged.

<add key="FxSqlEncoding" value="shift_jis" />
<add key="FxSqlEncoding" value="utf-8"/>


<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5"/>

Its correct version is 4.0.

Between the root_2010 and the root_2012

Leakage of merge


Unnecessary merge

Else pointed out

Between the root_2012 and the root_2013

Leakage of merge


Unnecessary merge

Else pointed out


\root\programs\C#\Samples\WebApp_sample\MVC_Sample\MVC_Sample\Web.config is not merged.

<add key="FxSqlEncoding" value="shift_jis" />
<add key="FxSqlEncoding" value="utf-8" />


<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"/>

Its correct version is 4.5.

Unnecessary change

Between the root_2013 and the root_2015

Leakage of merge

Unnecessary merge

Else pointed out

Generated files have been changed to English from Japanese.

Generated files

If the new than the version of the root_VS2015, please hold in English. (If it is returned to japanese langage, the diff check become cumbersome).

Slight change

Because the diff check become cumbersome, It should be the same.

Unnecessary change

Because the diff check become cumbersome, It should be the same. \root\programs\VB\Samples\AsyncSvc_sample\TestAsyncSvc_Sample\app.config

<startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6"/></startup></configuration>
daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

@kishoreandukuri Correction is not complete. There is a need to spread modifications of the modifications to the old folder to the new folder.





kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago




The above changes are already present in nishino branch of root_VS2013 and root_VS2015

Please confirm

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago




AsyncProcessingServiceParameterValue asyncParameterValue = new AsyncProcessingServiceParameterValue("AsyncProcessingService", "StartCopyFromBlob", "StartCopyFromBlob", "SQL",
                                                                                        new MyUserInfo(selectedAsyncTask.UserId, selectedAsyncTask.TaskId.ToString()));

<Transmission id="AzureStrageCopy" assemblyName="AsyncProcess" className="AsyncProcess.ProcessCopyJob" />

There is a difference.

// button1
this.button1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(25)))), ((int)(((byte)(163)))), ((int)(((byte)(189)))));
this.button1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
resources.ApplyResources(this.button1, "button1");
this.button1.Name = "button1";
this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
// btnGenerateScreens
resources.ApplyResources(this.btnGenerateScreens, "btnGenerateScreens");
this.btnGenerateScreens.Name = "btnGenerateScreens";
this.btnGenerateScreens.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.btnGenerateScreens.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnGenerateScreens_Click);
// Form2
resources.ApplyResources(this, "$this");
this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(243)))), ((int)(((byte)(249)))), ((int)(((byte)(249)))));
// button1
resources.ApplyResources(this.button1, "button1");
this.button1.Name = "button1";
this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
// btnGenerateScreens
resources.ApplyResources(this.btnGenerateScreens, "btnGenerateScreens");
this.btnGenerateScreens.Name = "btnGenerateScreens";
this.btnGenerateScreens.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.btnGenerateScreens.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnGenerateScreens_Click);
// Form2
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this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;



Do erase startup tag.

<startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6"/></startup>
kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


Fixed the above pointed out. Please merge the below pull requests.

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago

I did finishes of merge work.

I will send the pullrequest to repository of the OpenTouryoProject from now.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


I will send the pullrequest to repository of the OpenTouryoProject from now.

We will take latest from OpenTouryoProject and start code changes.

Thank you

daisukenishino commented 8 years ago


We will take latest from OpenTouryoProject and start code changes.

This pull request will be merged in to this weekend. If you hurry, please take out from following.

kishoreandukuri commented 8 years ago


Sure, We will take from nishino branch and start working on the tasks..

Thank you