OpenTracksApp / OpenTracks

OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
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play a sound when coming with 50m of a maker #1936

Open nutpantz opened 1 week ago

nutpantz commented 1 week ago

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Not a problem But I would like to best a sound when I get within 50 (or less) metres of a marker A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Honestly I'm an idiot who forgets to check how long it takes me to reach certain points in my route "Intervals" I don't need to check my phone, just look at my stop watch, so a sound is all I need.

Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. When I get to within a set distance of a marker a chosen sound will play. Could even be a recording of me saying the average time. But custom sounds for each marker would be premium and not required. It would also be nice if open tracks could make a sound by the marker even it is not recording a track, just while it is running, but that might also be premium feature. (Not every trip needs to be recorded but it would not hurt to be reminded I'm slacking)

Describe alternatives you've considered Paying attention to what I am doing on my route and not going head down nut hard or day dreaming about girls when I'm slacking. But as you guessed, I want my smart phone to be smarter then me and to party attention to where I am and remind me. Alternative Talk to my doctor about medications to improve my concentration and memory. But we are WAY off topic and TMI for this conversion.. (But I really should anyways) Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.